Cooch Behar District All Important Contact No.

Cooch Behar District All Important Contact No.

Organisation: West Bengal District Contacts

Toll free Numbers:
101(Fire Brigade)
1950(For District Election)
Helpline Contacts
SrNo.NameContact No.
1Women Helpline1091
2Citizen's Call center155300
3Child Helpline1098
4Commissioner of Rescue and Relief1070
5Crime Stopper1090

Important Contacts
Telephone Directory
SrNo.NameContact No.Email
District Magistrate's Office Section Officers
1Dy. DLandLRO03582-228490
2Addl. LAO
3O/C Tank Improvement
4Sr.D.C., Cooch Behar03582-227107[email protected]
5Dy. P.D. Monitoring), DRDC03582-222478
6DPandRDO Dist. Panchayat and Rural Dev.)03582-227110[email protected], [email protected]
7Spl. LAO03582-227117[email protected]
8OC Compensation[email protected]
9District Welfare Officer, B.C.W. and TD03582-222221[email protected]
10Dist. Registrar03582-222795
11Addl. Dist. Sub-Registrar03582-228961
12OC Dist. Youth Office03582-222471[email protected]
13OC Establishment03582-227108
14D.M., SCST Finance Corporation03582-222614[email protected]
15D.P.L.O.03582-227109[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
16DPO, ICDS Dist. Planning Officer)03582-227113[email protected]
17OC Disaster Management03582-227114[email protected]
18Dist. Relief Officer Control Room/ Emergency Operation Centre of D.M. Cooch Behar03582-227114 10774 (digit code free of cost)[email protected]
19Dy. Dir., Small Savings03582-223024
20Manager, Govt. Press03582-222262[email protected]
21Health Project Officer03582-227107
22N.D.C. Nezarath Dy. Collector)03582-227111[email protected] [email protected]
23O/c. Civil Defense03582-227124
24O/c. Election Dist. Election Officer)03582-227112[email protected]
25O/c. Judicial Munsikhana03582-229359[email protected]
26O/c. Mid-day-meal03582-225286[email protected]
27O/c. Revenue Munsikhana03582-230212[email protected]
28O/c. Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation03582-227120[email protected]
29Principal Extension Training Centre03582-229567[email protected]
30R.T.O. Regional Transport Officer)03582-227125[email protected]
31District Social Welfare Officer03582-225401[email protected]
32OC , Census03582-225264[email protected]
33D.O.M.A03582-222367[email protected]
34OC RMC03582-222367[email protected]
35DNO, MGNREGS03582-229617[email protected]
36OC General03582-227108[email protected]
37OC Education and Higher Education[email protected]
38OC Examination[email protected]
39OC Food[email protected]
40OC Tourism and Heritage8240928826[email protected]
41OC Health/ RSVY and NHM8240928826[email protected]
42OC Municipal Affairs and Town Planning Including CBDA)[email protected]
43OC SHG and SE03582-223203[email protected]
44OC IT related to E-district and NIC)9474630037[email protected]
45OC CMRA , OC PG Cell[email protected]
46OC Enclave Development Officer03582-223427[email protected]
47OC NCLP[email protected]
48OC Environment9593691007[email protected]
49OC Civil Defence03582-227124[email protected]
50OC Kanyashree and Rupashree Prakalpa03582-223304[email protected] , [email protected]
51OC Skill Development and Utkarsha Bangla9475321059[email protected]
52Law Officer , DM's and DPRDO Office9832647445[email protected]
53DCPO03582-222352[email protected]
54Secretary Debottor Trust Board03582-222225, 7439611207
Treasury Officer
55T.O. CBR-I03582-227115[email protected]
56T.O., CBR-II03582-227116[email protected]
57T.O. Dinhata03581-255500[email protected]
58T.O.,Mathabhanga03583-255215[email protected]
59T.O.,Tufanganj023582-244431[email protected]
60T.O.,Mekhliganj03584-255257[email protected]
Judicial Department
61District Judge03582-222412
62Judge Special Court03582-230793
63Chief Judicial Magistrate03582-228311
64Sub-Divisional Judicial Magistrate03582-227824
65SDJM, Mathabhanga03583-255267
66SDJM, Dinhata03581-255138
67SDJM, Mekhliganj03584-255241
68SDJM, Tufanganj03582-244247
69SDPO M+M)03582-255201
70District Consumer Redressal Forum03582-222023, 03582-230696[email protected]
71Dy. Assistant Director, Consumer Affair03582-231454[email protected]
72Vigilance Inspector03582-228298[email protected]
National Informatics Centre
73Suhas Santra, District Informatics Officer DIO)03582-223019[email protected], [email protected]
74Chairman,Cooch Behar Municipality03582-222286, 03582-223244 , 03582-222502[email protected]
75Chairman, Dinhata Municipality03581-255103, 03581-255628, 03581-255362[email protected]
76Chairman, Haldibari Municipality03561-263264, 03561-263312[email protected]
77Chairman, Mathabhanga Municipality03583-255255, 03583-255256[email protected]
78Chairman, Mekhliganj Municipality03584-255249 , 03584-255299[email protected]
79Chairman, Tufanganj Municipality03582-245256, 03582-244666[email protected]
80Asstt. Labour Commissioner, Sadar03582-222738[email protected]
81Asstt. Labour Commissioner, Dinhata03581-258180[email protected]
Line Department
82Agriculture Marketing, RMC)
83Tufanganj RMC[email protected]
84Sadar RMC[email protected]
85Dinhata RMC[email protected]
86District Controller, Food and Supply03582-227438[email protected], [email protected]
87S.C.F.andS., Cooch Behar03582-227949[email protected]
88S.C.F. andS., Mathabhanga03583-255390[email protected]
89District Employment Officer03582-222427[email protected]
90District Industries Centre DIC)03582-222428[email protected], [email protected]
91District Information and Cultural Officer03582-228331[email protected]
92District Fishery Officer03582-222384[email protected]
93District Sericulture Officer03582-228500[email protected]
94District Statistical Officer03582-228496[email protected]
95District Veterinary Office03582-227804
96North Bengal State Library03582-223608[email protected]
97Principal Agricultural Officer03582-227545[email protected], [email protected]
98Dy. Director of Horticulture03582-226646[email protected]
99District officer, Handloom03582-222625[email protected]
100Dy. Director Agriculture Admin.)03582-227545 , 03582-228036[email protected], [email protected]
101Superintendent of Excise03582-222439[email protected]
102Dy. Director of ARD03582-227776[email protected]
103District Officer, Khadi and Village Industries03582-223091[email protected]
Land and Land Reforms Officers
104D.L.and L.R.O03582-228490, 03582-227061[email protected], [email protected]
105S.D.L.and L.R.O. – Sadar03582-228633[email protected]
106S.D.L.and L.R.O. – Dinhata03581-255360[email protected]
107S.D.L.and L.R.O. – Mathabhanga03583-255302[email protected]
108S.D.L.and L.R.O. – Mekhligan03584-255246[email protected]
109S.D.L.and L.R.O. – Tufanganj03582-244218[email protected]
110B.L.and L.R.O. – COB-I03582-274622[email protected]
111B.L.and L.R.O. – COB-II03582-270273[email protected]
112B.L.and L.R.O. – DHT-I03581-256925[email protected]
113B.L.and L.R.O. – DHT-II03581-244285[email protected]
114B.L.and L.R.O. – Haldibari03584-263148[email protected]
115B.L.and L.R.O. – MTB-I03583-256323[email protected]
116B.L.and L.R.O. – MTB-II03583-282201[email protected]
117B.L.and L.R.O. – MKG03584-244028[email protected]
118B.L.and L.R.O. – Sitai03583-245366[email protected]
119B.L.and L.R.O. – SLK03583-283297[email protected]
120B.L.and L.R.O. – TFG-I03582-244190[email protected]
121B.L.and L.R.O. – TFG-II03582-263646[email protected]
PWD and Irrigation
122Chief Exe. Eng., PWD03582-222242
123C.E.Eng., PWD Highway03582-222283
124C.E.Eng., Torsa Bridge03582-222438
125C.E.Eng., Irrigation03582-228305
126Exe. Eng., Agri-Irrigation .03582-222332[email protected]
127Exe. Eng., Agri-Mechanical03582-223483[email protected]
128Exe. Eng., Cooch Behar Division03582-228305[email protected]
129Exe. Eng., Irrigation .[email protected]
130Exe. Eng., Irrigation, Jalpaiguri[email protected]
131Exe. Eng., PHE03582-223108[email protected]
132Exe. Eng., PHE Dte. .[email protected]
133Exe. Eng., PWD Construction .[email protected]
134Div. Eng., WBSEB03582-222849
135Asst. Eng., WBSEB03582-222849
136Div. Eng., WBSEB03582-227328
Education Department
138DPO SSM03582-224521[email protected]
139Dist. Inspector Secondary Education)03582-222266, 03582-227766[email protected]
140A.I.S. SE-Dinhata03581-259368
141A.I.S. SE-Mekhliganj03584-255531[email protected]
142A.I.S. SE-Mathabhanga03583-257237[email protected]
143A.I.S. SE-Sadar03582-222650[email protected]
144A.I.S. SE-Tufanganj03582-246680[email protected]
145Dist. Inspector Primary Education)03582-222526[email protected]
146S.I., Dinhata-I03581-258513[email protected]
147S.I., Dinhata-II03581-255010[email protected]
148S.I., Dinhata-III03581-244307[email protected]
149S.I., DHT, Bamanhat03581-253706[email protected]
150S.I., DHT, Intensive Area03581-255010[email protected]
151S.I., DHT, Sitai03581-245345[email protected]
152S.I., Dinhata West03581-241386[email protected]
153S.I., Haldibari03581-263616[email protected]
154S.I., Mathabhanga-I03583-256529[email protected]
155S.I., Mathabhanga-II03583-256710[email protected]
156S.I., Mathabhanga-III03583-253055[email protected]
157S.I., Mathabhanga-IV03583-260056[email protected]
158S.I., MTB, Sitalkuchi03583-263632[email protected]
159S.I., MTB, Sitalkuchi East[email protected]
160S.I., Mekhliganj03584-244062[email protected]
162S.I., Mekhliganj South03584-255166[email protected]
163S.I., Sadar-III03582-231512[email protected]
164S.I., Sadar-IV03582-252012[email protected]
165S.I., Sadar, Baneswar03582-242539
166S.I., Sadar, Khagrabari03582-250388[email protected]
167S.I., Sadar, Pundibari03582-270170[email protected]
168S.I., Sadar, Satmile03582-235205[email protected]
169S.I., Tufanganj-I03582-266290[email protected]
170S.I., Tufanganj-II03582-246065[email protected]
171S.I., TFG, Boxirhat03582-263088[email protected]
172S.I., TFG, Rampur[email protected]
173D.F.O Forest03582-222485
174D.F.O. Social Forestry03582-222327
175DFO Jaldapara Division Wildlife-III03582-227185 , 03582-230751[email protected], [email protected]
178DFO Cooch Behar Division03582-227727[email protected]
179DFO Parks and Garden[email protected]
180Range Officer, N.N Park
181Range Officer, Chilapata Mendabari Guest House
Education / Technical Education
182Principal, Cooch Behar Polytechnic03582-222510[email protected]
183Principal, Cooch Behar ITI03482-227758[email protected] , [email protected]
184Principal, Govt. Blind School03582-222602[email protected], [email protected]
185Principal, Maharaja Jitendra Narayan Medical College and Hospital7501037888[email protected]

Public Utilities Contacts
SrNo.BankContact No.EmailAddressPincode
1Axis Bank , Coochbehar Branch8001603961[email protected]Sunity Road, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar736101
2Axis Bank, Dinhata Branch9832324001[email protected]Ward-6, Dinhata Road, Godhuli Bazar, Dinahata-I Block736135
3Axis Bank, Mathabhanga Branch9735744140[email protected]Ward-6, Immigration Road, Chowpathy, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
4Axis Bank, Tufanganj Branch9851115315[email protected]Ward-10, Hotel Rajmahal, Bus Stand Chowpathy, Tufanganj-I Block736159
5Bandhan Bank, Baneswar Branch9163021141[email protected]Baneswar, Cooch Behar-II Block, Cooch Behar736133
6Bandhan Bank, Baronachina Branch7596016871[email protected]Ground Floor, Baranachina, Putimari, Dinahata-I Block736174
7Bandhan Bank, Boxirhat Branch7044021091[email protected]Chotolaukuthi, Boxirhat, Tufanganj-II Block736131
8Bandhan Bank, Changrabandha Branch7864019544[email protected]Merchand Road, Changrabanda, Mekhliganj Block735301
9Bandhan Bank, Charaljani Natabari Branch9073916881[email protected]Ground Floor, Charaljani, Near Natabari Bus Stand, Tufanganj-I Block736156
10Bandhan Bank, Chilakhana Branch7596012451[email protected]Chilakhana, Tufanganj-I Block736159
11Bandhan Bank, Chilkirhat Branch8697513241[email protected]Chilkithat, Cooch Behar-I Block736157
12Bandhan Bank, Chourangee Branch (Balarampur)7596011191[email protected]Balarampur Chowrangee, Balarampurhat, Tufanganj-I Block736168
13Bandhan Bank, Coochbehar Branch7596013251[email protected]Nripendra Narayan Road, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736101
14Bandhan Bank, Dewanganj Branch7654748946[email protected]16 No Jangalbash, Dewanganj, Haldibari Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal735122
15Bandhan Bank, Dewanhat Branch7596012091[email protected]Dewanhat, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736134
16Bandhan Bank, Dinhata Branch7596012231[email protected]Ward-6, Godhuli Bazar, Dinhata Main Road, Dinahata-I Block, Cooch Behar736135
17Bandhan Bank, Ghughumari Branch9903420241[email protected]Ghughumari, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736170
18Bandhan Bank, Gossairhat Branch8420566992[email protected]Ground Floor, Chhoto Dhaper Chatra, Gossairhat Bandar, Sitalkuchi Block736172
19Bandhan Bank, Haldibari Branch7596011391[email protected]Ward-10, Mitra Market Complex, Haldibari Block, Cooch Behar735122
20Bandhan Bank, Hoglabari Branch9073911441[email protected]Hoglabari, Pundibari, Cooch Behar-II Block, Cooch Behar736165
21Bandhan Bank, Kaljani Branch8697416701[email protected]Near Kaljani Bazaar, Cooch Behar-II Block, Cooch Behar736133
22Bandhan Bank, Khalisha Gosanimari Branch7596016891[email protected]Khalisa Gossanimari, Near 2 No Gram Panchayat Office, Dinahata-I Block736145
23Bandhan Bank, Khamar Sitai Branch8918368994[email protected]Khamar Sitai, Sitai Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736167
24Bandhan Bank, Mathabhanga Branch9073911681[email protected]Paschim Para, Hospital Road, Mathabhanga-I Block, Cooch Behar736146
25Bandhan Bank, Nishiganj Branch8697812181[email protected]Nishiganj, Mathabhanga-II Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736157
26Bandhan Bank, Rajarhat Branch8585821111[email protected]Jatrapur, Rajarhat, Pundibari, Cooch Behar-II Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736165
27Bandhan Bank, Sahebganj Branch9038621481[email protected]Sahebganj, Dinahata-II Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736136
28Bandhan Bank, Sitalkuchi Branch7596012411[email protected]Sitalkuchi, Opposit Police Station, Sitalkuchi Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736158
29Bandhan Bank, Station Choupathi Branch9874013261[email protected]Mirnalinee Building, N.N. Road, Near Circuit House Station Choupathi, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
30Bandhan Bank, Tufanganj Branch7596013271[email protected]Main Road, 1st Floor, Tufanganj, Tufanganj-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736159
31Bandhan Bank, Uttar Lauchapra Branch8334813281[email protected]Lauchapra Uttar, Bamanhat, Dinahata-II Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736168
32Bandhan Bank, Bhulki Branch8408817735[email protected]Bhulki, Alarampur Road, Kukurkachua, Dinahata-II Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736134
33Bandhan Bank, Coochbehar Branch8373060017[email protected]Silver Jubille Road, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736101
34Bandhan Bank, Golokganj Branch8373060018[email protected]Nanderpur, Jorpatki, Mathabhanga-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736146
35Bandhan Bank, Salmara Branch9932798616[email protected]Salmara, Dinahata-II Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736134
36Bandhan Bank, Tufanganj Branch9913755920[email protected]Binapani Mor, Main Road Newtown, Tufanganj-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736159
37Bank Of India Coochbehar Branch[email protected]Near R.R. Primary School, Mahish Bathan, Pundibari, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
38Canara Bank, Ambari Branch8334999382[email protected]Gram Panchayet Office, Ambari, Bokalirmath, Cooch Behar-II Block736135
39Canara Bank,Baisgudi Branch8334999466[email protected]Baishguri, Chakchaka, Cooch Behar-II Block736173
40Canara Bank, Bara Saulmari Branch8334999396[email protected]Gram Panchayet Office, Baro Soulmari, Subachamirpata, Dinahata-I Block736159
41Canara Bank,Bhanu Kumari Branch8334999379[email protected]Gram Panchayet Office, Bhanukumari, Tufanganj-II Block736179
42Canara Bank,Chilakhana Branch8334999383[email protected]Gram Panchayet Office, Chilakhana, Ghogarkuthi, Tufanganj-I Block736133
43Canara Bank,Coochbehar Branch6292245690[email protected]WARD-8, Raj Rajendra Narayan Road, Puratan Post Office Para736156
44Canara Bank,Coochbehar Branch8334999363[email protected]1st Floor, Raj Rajendra Narayan Road, Back Side of Raymonds Showroom, Cooch Behar-I Block736135
45Canara Bank, Dewanbas Branch8334999395[email protected]Gram Panchayet Office, Dewanbas, Gitaldah, Dinahata-I Block736131
46Canara Bank, Dinhata Branch8334999365[email protected]Main Road, Old Bus Stand, Godhuli Bazaar, Dinahata-I Block736159
47Canara Bank, Haldibari Branch6292245692[email protected]Ward-9, Uttar Para, Haldibari, Haldibari Block736101
48Canara Bank, Hemkumari Branch8334999390[email protected]Gram Panchayet Office, Hemkumari, Haldibari Block736101
49Canara Bank, Mathabhanga Branch8334999366[email protected]Hospital Road, Paschim Para, Mathabhanga, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
50Canara Bank, , Mekliganj Branch8334999368[email protected]Ward-7, PWD Road, Mekhliganj Block735304
51Canara Bank, Moamari Branch8334999381[email protected]SH 12A, Anchal Road, Domukha Bazar, Cooch Behar-I Block736157
52Putimari Phuleswari Branch8334999380[email protected]Putimari Phuleswari, Cooch Behar-I Block736157
53Tufanganj Branch8334999367[email protected]Ward-2, Main Road, New Town, Tufanganj-I Block736160
54Uttar Bakshiganj Branch8334999398[email protected]Gram Panchayet Office, Boxiganj, Haldibari Block735122
55Akrahat Branch7016060620[email protected]Bara Gadaikhora, Sitalkuchi Block, Cooch Behar736172
56Anguldekha Branch8348690251[email protected]Anguldekha, Fatemamud, Haldibari Block, Cooch Behar735122
57Central Bank of India Bakla Branch7908122626[email protected]Bakla, Baxirhat, Tufanganj-II Block736131
58Central Bank of India Baneswar Branch9547856678[email protected]Baneswar, Cooch Behar-II Block736133
59Central Bank of India Bara Rangrash Branch[email protected]Bairagirhat, Cooch Behar-II Block736121
60Central Bank of India Buri Bamanir Hat Branch9641078917[email protected]Buribamnir hat, Shalbari, Tufanganj-II Block736159
61Central Bank of India Chandamari Branch7892671451[email protected]Chandamari, Putimari, Cooch Behar-I Block736157
62Central Bank of India Chowdhurihat Branch9874217583[email protected]Chowdhurihat, Dinhata-II Block736166
63Central Bank of India Cooch Behar Main Branch8348690257[email protected]Biswa Singha Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
64Central Bank of India Dakghara Branch8348690259[email protected]Dakghara, Jatamar, Sitalkuchi Block736146
65Central Bank of India Deocharai Branch8348690260[email protected]Deocharai, Tufanganj-I Block736156
66Central Bank of India Deokhata Netaji Bazar Branch9647162590[email protected]Deokhata, Brahmattarchatara, Sitai Block736167
67Central Bank of India Dewanhat Branch9749599129[email protected]Dewanhat, Cooch Behar-I Block736134
68Central Bank of India Dinhata Branch8789864273[email protected]Dinhata-I Block, Cooch Behar736135
69Central Bank of India Falimari Akrahat Branch8574232726[email protected]Akrahat Bandar, Cooch Behar-I Block736157
70Central Bank of India Ghoksardanga Branch8348690265[email protected]Ghoksardanga Bazar, Ghoksardanga, Mathabhanga-II Block736171
71Central Bank of India Haldibari Branch8749530038[email protected]Haldibari, Haldibari Block735122
72Central Bank of India Ichhaganj Branch9804175867[email protected]Chongarkhata (ICHANGANJ), Bairagirhat, Mathabhanga-I Block735303
73Central Bank of India Kushiarbari Branch8348690268[email protected]Kushiarbari, Mathabhanga-II Block735211
74Central Bank of India Mathabhanga Branch8348690269[email protected]Mathabhanga-I Block736146
75Central Bank of India Mekhliganj Branch9525895627[email protected]Mekhliganj Block735304
76Central Bank of India Moranga Branch9179215050[email protected]Uttar Tengnamari, Mathabhanga-II Block735210
77Central Bank of India Nagargirdhari Branch9096763037[email protected]Nagargidhari, Panikhawa, Sitai Block736167
78Central Bank of India Nakkatigachh Branch8348690273[email protected]Chamta, Tufanganj-I Block736159
79Central Bank of India Nishiganj Branch8337068300[email protected]Nishiganj, Mathabhanga-II Block736157
80Central Bank of India Pundibari Branch9804394714[email protected]Pundibari, Cooch Behar-II Block736165
81Central Bank of India, Putimari Branch8617774665[email protected]Putimari, Dinhata-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736208
82Central Bank of India Sahebganj Branch8077887650[email protected]Sahebganj, Dinhata-II Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736176
83Central Bank of India Sitai Branch8348690277[email protected]Sitai Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736167
84Central Bank of India Sitalkuchi Branch8928424854[email protected]Bazar Road, Sitalkuchi Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736158
85Central Bank of India Tufanganj Branch8240394007[email protected]Tufanganj-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736159
86Central Bank of India Uchalpukhari Branch9614970140[email protected]Dhulia Uchalpukhari, Mekhliganj Block, Cooch Behar, WB735303
87HDFC Bank Coochbehar Branch9830624543[email protected]Nripendra Narayan Road, Old Post Office Para, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
88HDFC Bank Dinhata Branch9832022133[email protected]Dinhata Main Road, Old Bus Stand, Dinahata-I Block736135
89HDFC Bank Rash Mela Ground Branch9831073333[email protected]Silver Jubilee Road, opposite Rash Mela Ground, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
90ICICI Bank Coochbehar Branch8585015385[email protected]Kesab Road, Opposite Koch Bihar Palace, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
91ICICI Bank Dinhata Branch8585074624[email protected]Ward-8, Dinahata Main Road, Dinahata-I Block736135
92ICICI Bank Haldibari Branch8250279704[email protected]Ward-10, Mitra Market Complex, Haldibari, Haldibari Block735122
93IDBI Bank Coochbehar Branch8794718840[email protected]Nripendra Narayan Road, Rail Ghumti, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
94IDBI Bank Dinhata Branch9007178710[email protected]Ward-6, 1st Floor, Manisha Appartment, Main Road, Dinahata-I Block736135
95Indian Bank Biswa Singha Road Branch9678129219[email protected]Biswa Singh Road, Opposite Madan Mohan Temple, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
96Indian Bank Coochbehar Branch8695606811[email protected]Kameswari Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
97Indian Bank Kalmati Branch8597216996[email protected]Kalamati, Bamanhat-II Gram Panchayet, Dinahata-II Block736176
98Indian Bank Lauchapra Branch9932538795[email protected]Lauchapra, Bamanhat, Dinahata-II Block736135
99Indian Bank Panisala Branch9475833236[email protected]Kalakata, Panisala, Moamari, Cooch Behar-I Block736170
100Indian Bank Petla Branch9932033041[email protected]Petla, Dinahata-I Block736135
101Indian Overseas Bank Coochbehar Branch8974869371[email protected]Sri Krishna Bhawan, Nar Narayan Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
102Indian Overseas Bank Haldibari Branch8388815370[email protected]Mitra Market Complex, P.W.D. Main Road, Haldibari Block735122
103Jalpaiguri Central Coop. Bank Haldibari Branch9883063950[email protected]Ward-10, 1st Floor, Mitra Complex, Near Bus Stand, Haldibari Block735122
104North East Small Finance Bank Coochbehar Branch8637860132[email protected]Kameswari Road, Ward No - 1, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
105Punjab National Bank Bagdogra Fulkadabri Branch7047683416[email protected]Fulkadabari, Mekhliganj Block735304
106Punjab National Bank Bhetaguri Branch9051284105[email protected]Bhetaguri, Dinahata-I Block736135
107Punjab National Bank Coochbehar Branch[email protected]Nripendra Narayan Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
108Punjab National Bank Coochbehar Branch9002152844[email protected]Sunity Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
109Punjab National Bank Dinhata Branch9681117164[email protected]Dinhata Main Road, Dinahata-I Block736135
110Punjab National Bank Ghugumari Branch8334858716[email protected]Ghughumari, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
111Punjab National Bank Gitaldah Branch8016344628[email protected]Dholgobinda, Gitaldaha, Dinahata-I Block736135
112Punjab National Bank Guriahati Branch9836125592[email protected]Chhat Guriahati, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
113Punjab National Bank Madhupurdham Branch7980608795[email protected]Madhupurdham, Khagrabari, Cooch Behar-II Block736101
114Punjab National Bank Mathabhanga Branch9800760780[email protected]Mathabhanga, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
115Punjab National Bank Patlakhawa Branch7679913973[email protected]Patlakhawa, Cooch Behar-II Block736165
116Punjab National Bank Tufanganj Branch7908533489[email protected]Main Road, Tufanganj, Tufanganj-I Block736159
117State Bank Of India Balarampur Branch8001196074[email protected]Balarampur, Balaier Hat, Tufanganj-I Block736134
118State Bank Of India Balikabandar Branch8001196129[email protected]Barasakdal, Balika Bandar, Dinhata-II Block736169
119State Bank Of India Baneswar Branch8001196369[email protected]New Bharti Club Pundibari Road, Baneswar, Cooch Behar-II Block736133
120State Bank Of India Changrabandha Branch6001196956[email protected]Merchant Road, Changrabandha, Mekhliganj Block735301
121State Bank Of India Coochbehar Bazar Branch8001196073[email protected]Nripendra Narayan Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
122State Bank Of India Coochbehar Main Branch8001196024[email protected]Sagardighi Square, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
123State Bank Of India Dinhata Branch8001196045[email protected]Dinhata Main Road, Dinhata-I Block736135
124State Bank Of IndiaDinhata Town Branch9609812340[email protected]Godhuli Bazar, Ward-6, Dinhata-I Block736135
125State Bank Of India Gosanimari Branch8001196909[email protected]Gosanimari, Dinhata Road, Dinhata-I Block736145
126State Bank Of India Haldibari Branch8001196176[email protected]Goshala Road, Haldibari Block735122
127State Bank Of India Hazrahat Branch8001196135[email protected]Paschim Para, Ward Number 8, Mathabhanga, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
128State Bank Of India Jayantirhat Branch8001196138[email protected]Patakamari, Cheramari, Gokshadanga, Mathabhanga-II Block736171
129State Bank Of India Khagrabari ADB Branch8001196095[email protected]Khagrabari, Cooch Behar-II Block736101
130State Bank Of India Khapaidanga-Kaljani SAB Branch8001196863[email protected]Khapaidanga, Cooch Behar-II Block736133
131State Bank Of India Kherbarihat SAB Branch8001196156[email protected]Nigamnagar, Sahebganj, Dinhata-II Block736169
132State Bank Of India Kursahat SAB Branch8001195835[email protected]Tharaikhana, Dinhata-II Block736168
133State Bank Of India Marichbari SAB Branch8001196169[email protected]Kochabarihat, Cooch Behar-II Block736121
134State Bank Of India Mathabhanga Branch8001196754[email protected]Mathabhanga, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
135State Bank Of India Mekliganj Branch9733111746[email protected]Mekhliganj Block735304
136State Bank Of India New Coochbehar Branch8420292967[email protected]Baishguri, Cooch Behar-II Block736179
137State Bank Of India New Town Branch8001196918[email protected]New Town, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
138State Bank Of India Nishiganj Branch8001196180[email protected]Nishiganj Club Complex, Nishiganj, Mathabhanga-II Block736157
139State Bank Of India Pundibari Branch8001092658[email protected]Uttar Banga Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya Campus, Pundibari, Cooch Behar-II Block736165
140State Bank Of India R.N. Road Branch8001147753[email protected]R R N Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
141State Bank Of India Ruidanga Branch8001196147[email protected]Ruidanga, Atpukhari Nayarhat, Mathabhanga-II Block735211
142State Bank Of India Sitai Branch8001120800[email protected]BDO Office Complex, Sitai, Bholachatra, Sitai Block736167
143State Bank Of India Tufanganj Branch8001196177[email protected]Ward No.5, Old Cinema Hall Road, Tufanganj-I Block736159
144UBKGB A.K.Paradubi Branch7797665000[email protected]Falakata Road, Hindustan Mor, Baraibari, Mathabhanga-II Block736157
145UBKGB Adabarighat Branch7797626000[email protected]Silduar, Sitai Block736167
146UBKGB Baburhat Branch7797579000[email protected]Nilkuthi, Baburhat, Cooch Behar-I Block736156
147UBKGB Bairagirhat Branch7797636000[email protected]SH 12A, Bairagir Hat, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
148UBKGBBalabhut Branch7797657000[email protected]Balabhut, Tufanganj-I Block736159
149UBKGB7797578000[email protected]Baneswar, Cooch Behar-II Block736133
150UBKGB Bara Maricha Branch7797466000[email protected]Bara Maricha, Sitalkuchi Block736158
151UBKGBBaro Soulmari Branch7797653000[email protected]Barosoulmari, Mathabhanga-II Block735211
152UBKGB Basantirhat Branch7797662000[email protected]Burirhat II Gram Panchayat Bldg Ground Floor, Balarampur Road, Basantirhat, Choto Sakdal Kuchni, Dinhata-II Block736169
153UBKGB Baxirhat Branch7797617000[email protected]Bakhithat Bazar, Post Office Para Road, Baxirhat, Tufanganj-II Block736159
154UBKGB Bhetaguri Branch7797356000[email protected]Bhetaguri, Dinhata-I Block736134
155UBKGB Changrabandha Branch7872177000[email protected]Changrabandha Railway Station Road, Nagar Changrabandha, Haldibari Block735301
156UBKGB Chilakhana Branch7797354000[email protected]Chilakhana, Tufanganj-I Block736177
157UBKGB Chilkir Hat Branch7797353000[email protected]Baliamari Chilkirhat Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736157
158UBKGB Coochbehar Bazar Branch7797664000[email protected]Bengchatra Road, Pancharangi More, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
159UBKGB Coochbehar Main Branch7797623000[email protected]Sunity Road, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
160UBKGB Dewanganj Branch7797627000[email protected]Dewanganj Mekliganj Tehsil, Haldibari Block735122
161UBKGB Dhalpal Branch7797576000[email protected]Dhalpal, Tufanganj-I Block736159
162UBKGB Dhangdhingguri Branch7872153000[email protected]Dhangdhingguri, Cooch Behar-II Block736165
163UBKGB Dinhata Bow Bazar Branch7797684000[email protected]Bow Bazar Rangpur Road, Baro Atiabari Pratham Khanda, Dinhata-I Block736135
164UBKGB Dinhata Branch7797654000[email protected]Ma Bhagni Road, Dinhata, Dinhata-I Block736135
165UBKGB Dodearhat Branch7797632000[email protected]Kharijakakribari, Cooch Behar-II Block736179
166UBKGB Ghugumari Branch7872152000[email protected]Ghughumari, Cooch Behar-I Block736170
167UBKGB Gosanimari Branch7478003522[email protected]Gosanimari, Dinhata-I Block736145
168UBKGB Gossairhat Branch7797602000[email protected]Gossairhat Bandar, Sitalkuchi Block736172
169UBKGB Haldibari Branch7797679000[email protected]Haldibari, Haldibari Block735122
170UBKGB Jamaldah Branch7797619000[email protected]Jamaldah, Mekhliganj Block735304
171UBKGB Jiranpur Branch7797663000[email protected]Jiranpur, Cooch Behar-I Block736134
172UBKGB Jorai Branch7797477000[email protected]Jorai, Tufanganj-II Block736131
173UBKGB Kashibari(H) Branch7797634000[email protected]Baro Haldibari, Haldibari Block735122
174UBKGB Kashiyabari(T) Branch7797643000[email protected]Barokodali, Tufanganj-II Block736159
175UBKGB Kholta Branch7797629000[email protected]Kholta, Cooch Behar-II Block736121
176UBKGB Kuchlibari Branch7797519000[email protected]Kuchlibari, Mekhliganj Block735304
177UBKGB Maruganj Branch7797569000[email protected]Uttarmaradanga, Maruganj, Tufanganj-I Block736156
178UBKGB Mathabhanga Branch7797658000[email protected]Mathabhaga, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
179UBKGB Mekliganj Branch7797652000[email protected]Mekhliganj, Mekhliganj Block735304
180UBKGB Natabari Branch7797489000[email protected]Tufanganj Road, Natabari, Tufanganj-I Block736156
181UBKGB Nayarhat (M) Branch7797667000[email protected]Mathabhanga Giladanga Road, Nayarhat, Panigram, Mathabhanga-I Block735303
182UBKGB Nayarhat Karala Branch7797639000[email protected]Kursa Road, Nayarhat, Gobrachara Karala, Dinhata-II Block736135
183UBKGB Nazirhat Branch7797622000[email protected]Nazirhat, Dinhata-II Block736134
184UBKGBNigamnagar Branch7797594000[email protected]Ashram Para, Nigam Nagar, Dinhata-I Block736169
185UBKGB Nishiganj Branch7797482000[email protected]Nishiganj, Mathabhanga-II Block736157
186UBKGB Premerdanga Branch7797388000[email protected]Premerdanga, Mathabhanga-II Block736157
187UBKGB Rajarhat Branch7797668000[email protected]Hathkhola, RajarHat, Cooch Behar-II Block736165
188UBKGB Rampur Bazar Branch7797678000[email protected]Rampur, Tufanganj-II Block736131
189UBKGB Ranirhat Branch7797624000[email protected]Ranirhat, Mekhliganj Block735236
190UBKGB Saheberhat Branch7797574000[email protected]Rashidanga, Cooch Behar-I Block736170
191UBKGB Saldanga Branch7797659000[email protected]Mohiskuchi, Tufanganj-II Block736131
192UBKGB7797683000[email protected]Elajanerkuthi, Satmile, Cooch Behar-I Block736157
193UBKGB Shikarpur Branch7797637000[email protected]Andaran Pakhihaga, Shikarpur, Mathabhanga-I Block736146
194UBKGB Suktabari Branch7797575000[email protected]Dudher Kuthi Dewan Bosh, Cooch Behar-I Block736170
195UBKGB Talliguri Branch7797036000[email protected]Talliguri, Barosalbari, Tufanganj-II Block736159
196UBKGB Thaneswarhat Branch7797656000[email protected]Gopalpur, Cooch Behar-II Block736133
197UBKGB Tufanganj Branch7797593000[email protected]New Town, Tufanganj-I Block736159
198UCO BANK Coochbehar Branch9709425159[email protected]Mina Kumari Chowpathi, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
199UCO BANK Dewaguri Branch7908899849[email protected]NH31, Dashkal Gram, Dewaguri, Cooch Behar-I Block736156
200UCO BANK Sagardighi Branch9204411037[email protected]Ward-6, Natun Bazar, Cooch Behar-I Block736101
201UJJIVAN SMALL FINANCE BANK Coochbehar Branch8420190242[email protected]Ward No. 2, Kameswari Road, Subhashpally, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736101
202Union Bank Of India Coochbehar Branch9775793176[email protected]Opposite Cooch Behar Stadium, Keshav Road, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736101
203Union Bank Of India Coochbehar Branch7797802208[email protected]Nirupama Bhawan, Sunity Road, Near Harish Pal Chowpathy, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, WB736101
204Union Bank Of India Dinhata Branch9918501282[email protected]Ward-6, Dinhata Road, Godhuli Bazar, Dinahata-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736135
205Union Bank Of India Pundibari Branch7076900271[email protected]Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Campus, Pundibari, Cooch Behar-II Block, Cooch Behar, WB736165
206West Bengal State Co-Opetative Bank Coochbehar Branch8918746486[email protected]Biswa Singha Road, Cooch Behar-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736101
207West Bengal State Co-Opetative Bank Dinhata Branch9932517033[email protected]Dinhata, Dinhata-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736135
208West Bengal State Co-Opetative Bank Mathabhanga Branch9073681101[email protected]Malibagan, Mathabhanga-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736146
209West Bengal State Co-Opetative Bank Tufanganj Branch9434206832[email protected]Tufanganj, Tufanganj-I Block, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736159

SrNo.NameContact No.Address
1Cooch Behar Electricity Board – Main Office03582-222337Nripendra Narayan Road, Power House Chowpathi,Cooch Behar, West Bengal
2Newtown Electricity Office03582-229548Near Mali Dighi, Morapora , Cooch Behar, West Bengal

Name: Head Post Office Coochbehar Ph: 03582-225895 Address: Sunity Road,Cooch Behar, West Bengal Pincode: 736101
Blood Bank
SrNo.NameContact No.AddressPin Code
1Cooch Behar Municipality Blood Bank03582-222286Cooch Behar Municipality, Sagar Dighi Campus, Cooch Behar736101
2M.J.N. Hospital Blood Bank03582-222243M J N M C Hospital , Cooch Behar736101
3Red Cross Blood Bank03582-224540Cooch Behar736101
St. John Ambulance Association Blood Bank03582-222742Sagar Dighi Complex, Cooch Behar736101

Diagnostic Centres
SrNo.NameContact No.Address
1Astha Diagnostics Centre03582-223738M J N Road, Opposite Forward Block Office, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
2Devi Diagnostics Centre03582-223446Raj Rajendra Narayan Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
3Dr Lal PathLabs9475303607Opposite Forward Block Party Office, Near Astha Pathological Lab, M J N Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
4Dr Sarkar Path Labrotary9674441122Magazine Road Extension, Ward No 14, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
5Dr. Bhattacharya's Pathology Lab03582-231222Silver Jubilee Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
6Dr. P. K. Saha MRI CentreChaltatala, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
7Health Care Diagnostics CentreRaj Rajendra Narayan Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
8Panacea Diagnostic Centre9733100444B.S. Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
9Shila Diagnostic Centre8759554105Cooch Behar, West Bengal
10Sky Clinic Diagnostic Centre8927348854Puratan Post Office Para, Raj Rajendra Narayan Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
11Subham Hospital and Diagnostic Centre9832464295Nara Narayan Road, Near Circuit House, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
12The Aarogya Healthcare Centre9734578888B S ROAD, Opposite DR.T PAUL'S NURSING HOME, Cooch Behar, West Bengal
13Usha Diagnostic Center03582-226041Near Madan Mohan Temple, M J N Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal

Colleges/ Universities
SrNo.NameContact No.EmailAddressPin Code
1Acharjya Brajendra Nath Seal (A.B.N.Seal) College03582-226112[email protected]Beside Rashmela Ground, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736101736101
2Bakshirhat Mahavidyalaya03582-263256[email protected]Joraimore Road, Bakshirhat, Tufanganj-II, West Bengal 736131736131
3Baneswar Sarathibala College[email protected]Baneswar (Hatiduba), Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736133736133
4Cooch Behar College03582-256798[email protected]No.2, Kalighat Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736101736101
5Cooch Behar Government Engineering College03582-233040[email protected]Ghughumari, Harinchawra, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736170736170
6Cooch Behar Government Polytechnic03582-222510[email protected]Siliguri Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736101736101
7Dewanhat Mahavidyalaya[email protected]Balarampur Road, Nawabganj Balasi, Nababganj, Dewanhat, West Bengal 736134736134
8Dinhata College9475104771[email protected]Dinhata Road, Dinhata, West Bengal736135
9Ghoskadanga Birendra Mahavidyalaya7679065094[email protected]Ghoksadanga, Mathabhanga, West Bengal736171
10Madhusudan Hore Mahavidyalaya9434366759[email protected]Bhogmara, Runibari, Nishiganj, Mathabhanga, West Bengal 736157736157
11Maharaja Jitendra Narayan Medical College and Hospital7501037888[email protected]Vivekananda Street, Pilkhana, Dist.: Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736101736101
12Mathabhanga College03583-255282[email protected]Pachagarh, Mathabhanga, West Bengal736146

SrNo.NameContact No.AddressPin Code
1Cooch Behar Jail Hospital03582-222206Cooch Behar736101
2Cooch Behar Police Hospital03582-227648Cooch Behar736101
3Cooch Behar Rail Hospital03582-232280New Cooch Behar736101
4Dinhata Sub Divisional Hospital03581-255002Dinhata Main Road, Dinhata, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736135
5Haldibari Gramin Sub. Divisional Hospital03584-263246Haldibari735122
6J. D. Hospital Cooch Behar03582-240440Mahishbathan, Cooch Behar734101
7Maharaja Jitendra Narayan Medical College and Hospital03582-221710Vivekananda Street, Pilkhana, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736101
8Mathabhanga Sub Division Hospital03583-255261Mathabhanga, West Bengal, Cooch Behar736146
9Mekhliganj Sub. Divin. Hospital03584-255234Mekhliganj735304
10Regional Cancer Centre Cooch Behar03582-222526Cooch Behar736101
11Tufanganj Sub. Divisional Hospital03582-244242Assam Road, Tufanganj New Town, Cooch Behar736160

SrNo.NameContact No.EmailAddressPin Code
1Dakshin RamchandrapurVivekananda Seva Kendra8967930937[email protected]Dakshin RamchandrapurVivekananda Seva Kendra (DRVSK), Implementing Agency of District Disability Rehabilitation Centre, Kalika Das Road, Near Venus Square Club,Cooch Behar,West Bengal736101
2Khagrabari Rural Emergency Development Association9434191319[email protected]Taltala,Khagrabari,Cooch Behar,West Bengal736101
3Satmile Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled9733123458Village: Bhogdabri Kesribari, PO: Elajanerkuthi, PS: Kotwali, Cooch Behar, West Bengal736157

Name: Kalabagan High School Ph: 9434484024 Address: kalabagan, Ward No. 3, Kameswary Road Bye Lane,PO and District Cooch Behar Pincode: 736101
SrNo.NameContact No.AddressPin Code
1Cooch Behar Municipality Ambulance Service03582-222286Sagar Dighi Square, Cooch Behar Town736101
203582-222024Cooch Behar Town, West Bengal736101
3Cooch Behar Sathkar Samity Ambulance Service03582-223468Hospital chowpathi, Sunity Road736101
4J. D. Hospital Ambulance Service03582-222315Mahish Bathan736179
5Jai Laxmi Nursing Home03582-223006ACDC Club, N. N. Road736101
6Jeevandeep Nursing Home03582-228720Magazine Road, Mukuldanga736101
7King Air and Train Ambulance Services7091360310West KhagraBari Road, South Khagrabari736101
8Maharaja Jitendra Narayan Medical College and Hospital03582-222224Silver Jubilee Rd736101
9P.K.Saha Nursing Home7797863362Bairagi Dighi Bylane736101
10Poddar Seva Sadan03582-223704Sunity Road736101
11Regional Cancer Centre03582-222525736101
12Saint John Ambulance Association03582-227693SagarDighi Square736101

STD Codes
Sl No.AreaSTD Code
1Cooch Behar03582

PIN Codes
Sl No.AreaPIN Code
1Cooch Behar736101
7Cooch Behar736156
8Cooch Behar-I736157
9Cooch Behar-II736133
10Cooch Behar736160
18Cooch Behar-I736134
20Cooch Behar-II736165
21Cooch Behar736206
22Cooch Behar-I736170
24Cooch Behar-I736171
25Cooch Behar736204
26Cooch Behar736176
27Cooch Behar-I736179
28Cooch Behar735224

Police Officers Contacts
Address: SP's Bunglow, Cooch Behar, 736101
SrNoNameContact No.
1Shri. Dyutiman Bhattacharya, IPS03582-227755 (O), 03582-227632 (R), Fax: 03582-227745 [email protected], [email protected]
2Addl. S.P. – Cooch Behar03582-227643 , 03582-227342 , 03582-231271 [email protected]
3S.P. DIB03582-227661
5Dy. S.P.(HQR)03582-227831, 03582-227627
6Dy. S.P.(Border)03582-227661, 03582-222832
7Inspector, MTF03582-227661(O)
8C.I., Sadar03582-244585(O)
9C.I., Mathabhanga03583-255295(O)
10C.I., Mekhliganj03584-255242(O)
11I/C, Kotwali P.S.03582-228100(O)
12R.I. Of Police03582-227648, 03582-227800(O)
13Dinhata P.S.03584-255004(O)
14Tufanganj P.S.03582-244230(O)
15Mathabhanga P.S.03583-255233(O)
16Ghoskadanga P.S.03583-262233(O)
17Sitalkuchi P.S.03583-263240(O)
18Sitai P.S.03583-245230(O)
19Mekhliganj P.S.03584-255224(O)
20Haldibari P.S.03561-263239(O)
21Boxirhat P.S.03582-263630(O)
22Kuchlibari P.S.03584-251223(O)

District Court Contacts
Name: Sri. Subrata Chandra Polle Contact no.: 03582-222250 Email: [email protected]
Departments Contacts
SrNo.NameContact No.EmailAddress
1Backward Class Welfare03582-291843[email protected]Kalyan Bhawan, MJN Road, Cooch Behar
2Consumer Affairs03582-231454, 18003452808[email protected]B.S.Road, Hospital Road Crossing, P.O. and District – Cooch Behar, PIN-736101
3Fishery03582-222384[email protected]Meen Bhaban, Sarada Devi Road, Cooch Behar, Pin-736101
4Health[email protected]Health and Swasthyasathi Section, O/O the District Magistrate, Sagar Dighi Campus, Cooch Behar
5Election03582-227112[email protected]Office of the District Magistrate and District Election Officer, Election Section, Temple Street, PO and Dist: Cooch Behar
6District Information and Cultural Officer03582-22535112[email protected]Nabanna 9th Floor, 325 Sarat Chatterjee Road, Mandirtala, Shibpur, Howrah-711102
7Land and Land Reforms03582-228490[email protected]Office Of The Additional District Magistrate And District Land And Land Reforms Officer, Sagar Dighi Square Complex
8District Industry Centre03582-222428, 03582-222667[email protected]Office of the General Manager, District Industries Centre
9North Bengal State Library03582-223608[email protected]M. J. N. Road, Sagardighi Square (South-East corner
10District Rural Development Cell7029529303[email protected], [email protected]
11West Bengal State Rural Development Agency03582-226366[email protected]Uttara (Ground Floor), Amtala, Sagar Dighi Square I, Post and Dist. : Cooch Behar
12Public Works Department Sector03582-291348[email protected]Office of The Executive Engineer, Cooch Behar Division, Social Sector
13Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission.03582-224446, 9474011938[email protected] , [email protected]PBSSM, H.N. Road, Jnananankur Bhawan (2nd Floor), Dist. Cooch Behar, PIN-736101.
14District Inspector03582-227766[email protected]Sagar Dighi Square, P.O. and Dist- Cooch Behar, Pin- 736101
15Regional Transport Office03582-227125[email protected], [email protected]M.V. Section, Office of the District Magistrate, Sagar Dighi Complex, Cooch Beha
16Skill Development[email protected]RTC Building, Behind DRDC Office, P.O: Cooch Behar, Pin-736101, West Bengal
17Tourism and Heritage[email protected]Development Section O/O the District Magistrate, Sagar Dighi Campus, Cooch Behar
18Youth and Sports[email protected]Office of the District Youth Officer, DM Office Complex, Sagardighi Square
19Social Welfare03582-227103 , 03582-226604[email protected]Office of the District Magistrate, Sagar Dighi Complex Cooch Behar-736101.
20Local Markets and Huts03582-223135[email protected]Office Building of the District Magistrate, Sagar Dighi Campus (West), P.O. and Dist.: Cooch Behar, West Bengal, Pin: 736101
21North Bengal Development Department[email protected] , [email protected]NBDD, Uttarkanya, Satellite Township, Kamrangaguri, Fulbari, Jalpaiguri , west Bengal, Pin: 734015.
22National Informatics Centre (N.I.C.), Cooch Behar03582-223019[email protected]National Informatics Centre New District Collectorate Building (2nd Floor), Sagar Dighi Campus (West bank), Cooch Behar – 736101, West Bengal, INDIA

Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS)
Sl No.Name of the ICDS ProjectName of the CDPOContact No.
1Tufanganj-IPrabir Ghosh8927800207
2Tufanganj-I Addl.Prabir Ghosh8927800207
3Cooch Behar-IIBidur Ch. Roy8927800286
4Cooch Behar-II Addl.Bidur Ch. Roy8927800286
5Mathabhanga-IINilratan Halder8927800205
6Mathabhanga-II Addl.Nilratan Halder8927800205
7Dinhata-IRobin Tamang8927800196
8Dinhata-I Addl.Robin Tamang8927800196
9Tufanganj-IIPrabir Ghosh8927800207
10Tufanganj-II Addl.Prabir Ghosh8927800207
11MekhliganjJagadish Roy8927800199
12HaldibariPritam Santra8927800198
13Mathabhanga-INilratan Halder8927800205
14Mathabhanga-I Addl.Nilratan Halder8927800205
15SitaiLoknath Dey8927800231
16SitalkuchiSanjoy Saha8927800206
17Dinhata-IIDurlav Mandal8927800197
18Dinhata-II Addl.Durlav Mandal8927800197
19Cooch Behar-IAkherul Rahaman8927800195
20Cooch Behar-I Addl.Akherul Rahaman8927800195

Water Reources Department
Name: Coochbehar( Agri-irrigation) Division Ph: 03582-222554 Email:[email protected] Address: Executive Engineer (Agri-Irrigation) Coochbehar( Agri-irrigation) Division MJN Road, PO and Dist.- Coochbehar Pin.- 736101, West Bengal
Health Departments Contacts
SrNo.NameContact Details
1Chief Medical Officer of Health03582-228874, [email protected], [email protected]
2BMOH, CBR – I[email protected], [email protected]
3BMOH, CBR – II[email protected], [email protected]
4BMOH, DHT – I[email protected], [email protected]
5BMOH, DHT – II[email protected], [email protected]
6BMOH, Haldibari[email protected], [email protected]
7BMOH, MTB – I[email protected], [email protected]
8BMOH, MTB – II[email protected], [email protected]
9BMOH, Mekhliganj[email protected], [email protected]
10BMOH, Sitai[email protected], [email protected]
11BMOH, Sitalkuchi[email protected], [email protected]
12BMOH, TFG – I[email protected], [email protected]
13BMOH, TFG – II[email protected], [email protected]
14Superintendent, MJN Hospital03582-222473, [email protected]
15MJN District Hospital03582-222243 03582-228779
16Super, Dinhata SDH03581-255002, 03581-256002, [email protected], [email protected]
17Super, Mathabhanga SDH03583-255261, [email protected], [email protected]
18Super, Mekhliganj SDH03584-255234 03584-255275, [email protected], [email protected]
19Super, Tufanganj SDH03582-244242 03582-244775, [email protected], [email protected]

Members Of Constituencies Contacts
Sl No.Parliamentary ConstituencyName of MPContact DetailsPostal Address
1No.1- Cooch Behar (SC)Shri. Jagadish Chandra Barma BasuniaVill.: Garanata, P.O.: Silduar, P.S.: Sitai, Dist.: Cooch Behar
2No.2 – Alipurduars (ST)Shri. Manoj Tigga7076724660Singhania Tea Estate(Gudam Line), PO+PS-Birpara, Dist-Alipurduar, Pin-735204
3No.3 – Jalpaiguri (SC)Dr. Jayanta Kumar Roy9434875805 [email protected], [email protected]Flat No.: 4F, Shantiniketan, Sushrut Nagar, Dist.- Darjeeling, West Bengal – 734102

Disaster Management Contacts
SrNo.NameDesignationPhone No. (Office)Address
1Sri Subrata DharExec. Engineer03582-223004, 7908763227Cooch Behar Division
2Sri Pritam DasAsst. Engineer03582-223005, 9038533419Cooch Behar Division
3Sri Amlan DebnathJ.E8653349705Cooch Behar Division
4Sri Bhajan SahaJ.E9434234716Cooch Behar Division
5Sri Dhrubojyoti RoyA.E.7001591760Cooch Behar Sadar Sub-Division
6Sri Ranjit BalJ.E.9832360708Cooch Behar Division
7Smt. Pampa SethJ.E.7319161481Cooch Behar Division
8Sri Subhamoy DuttaJ.E.9609807999Cooch Behar Division
9Sri Kshitish Ch. DasA.E.7001921181Cooch Behar RWS Sub-Division
10Sri Biswajit RoyJ.E/ Haldibari Block9434207497Cooch Behar Division
11Sri Rajib GhoshJ.E/Mathabhanga-II9434207497Cooch Behar Division
12Sri Subhajit SahaJ.E./Mekhliganj9800058042Cooch Behar Division
13Sri Arup Kumar DasJ.E./Cooch Behar-II9434520160Cooch Behar Division
14Sri Hrisin GhoshA.E.9851703655Mathabhanga Sub-Division
15Sri Anton SahaJ.E.9434109481Cooch Behar Division
16Sri Rana DebJ.E.8509033145Cooch Behar Division
17Smt. Paramita DasJ.E.9002992819Cooch Behar Division
18Sri Mantu PrasadJ.E.8250888837Cooch Behar Division
19Sri Tarubrata RoyA.E.9163998548Tuganganj Sub-Division
20Sri Biswajit Sen GuptaJ.E.7319158099Cooch Behar Division
21Sri Rohan NandiJ.E.7557846303Cooch Behar Division
22Sri S. DasAsst. Engineer03582-222680, 8170913648Cooch Behar Mech. Sub-Division
23Sri A. BhattyacharyaJ.E.9733277370Cooch Behar Mech. Sub-Division
24Sri S. MitraJ.E.9475834795Cooch Behar Mech. Sub-Division
Check For More Contact Details about Disaster Management

Zila Parishad Contacts
SrNo.DesignationContact Details
1Sabhadhipati03582-222486, 03582-244191 [email protected]
2DM and Executive Officer03582-227101, [email protected]
3AEO, CZP03582-222527, 03582-227567 [email protected], [email protected]
4Secretary-in-Charge03582-222550, [email protected]
5Sahakari Sabhadhipati9609303004
6Sahakari Sabhadhipati03582-231179
7Dist. Co-ordinator, TSC03582-223849
8Sabhapati (CBR – I)03582-274258
9Sabhapati (TFG -II)03582-263242
10Sabhapati (DHT – I)03582-255206
11Sabhapati (Sitai)03581-285337
12Dy. Secretary03582-222424
13Exe. Engineer03582-226366
14Sabhapati (CBR – II)03582-270241
15Sabhapati (MTB – I)03583-255382
16Sabhapati (DHT – II)03582-244216
17Sabhapati (MKG)03584-244366
18P.D. DRDC03582-222478
19Dist. Engineer03582-223634
20Sabhapati (TFG- I)03582-244208
21Sabhapati (MTB- II)03582-255391
22Sabhapati (SLK)03583-283244
23Sabhapati (HLD)03561-263261

Hotels Contacts
SrNo.NameContact No.EmailAddress
1Hotel Mayur03582-222639, 03582-225639 Fax: 03582-229542[email protected]Rupnarayan Road, Cooch Behar, 736101
2Hotel Royal Palace03582-222210, 03582-230731, 9547570101, 9732281234[email protected]Sunity Road, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India,736101
3Hotel Debdutta03582-222215, 9832437525, 9382497754, 9382410752[email protected]Rup Narayan Road, Cooch Behar,736101
4Hotel Maharani Palace03582-223509[email protected]N. N. Shopping Mall, Kesab Road, Dist-Cooch Behar, West Bengal,736101
5Hotel Ellora03582-222125, 03582-224318 Fax: 03582-225910[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]Biswasingha Road, Cooch Behar – 736101
6Cooch Behar Hotel03582-222343[email protected]Rup Narayan Road, Cooch Behar
7Anandamoyee Dharamshala03582-222225[email protected]Mjn Road Madan Mohan Thkurbai District 736101

Block Informatics Officers Contacts
Sl No.NameDesignationContact No.Email
1Kaushik BarmanBIO, Cooch Behar-I8373072816[email protected]
2Abhijit PaulCooch Behar-II9474572094[email protected]
3Sukalyan BhattacharjeeBIO, Dinhata-I9434810217[email protected]
4Dipak SarkarDinhata-II9832514528[email protected]
5Sumita TalukdarSitai9474332050[email protected]
6Litan Chandra DariaBIO, Mathabhanga-I9732741414[email protected]
7Kartic RoyMathabhanga-II9474141090[email protected]
8Nilabja SahaSitalkuchi8967996660[email protected]
9Rajdeep OraonMekhliganj9641014539[email protected]
11Amitava BarmanBIO, Tufanganj-I9474331031[email protected]
12Subrata Kalyan BhadraTufanganj-II9474586774[email protected]

Officers Contacts
District Administrator
1Shri. Arvind Kumar Meena IASDistrict Magistrate and Collector03582-227101, 8373082101, 03582-225000 Fax:03582-227000[email protected] , [email protected]District Magistrate's Office, Cooch Behar, 736101
Additional District Magistrate
2Shri Ravi Ranjan, IASAdditional District Magistrate (Development)03582-227103, 03582-227104, 8373082102[email protected]District Magistrate's Office, Cooch Behar, 736101
3Shri. Shantanu bala, IASAdditional District Magistrate (General)03582-227102, 8373082104[email protected]District Magistrate's Office, Cooch Behar, 736101
4Shri. Soumen Dutta WBCS(Exe.)A.D.M. and A.E.O., Zilla Parishad03582-222527[email protected]Zilla Parishad, cooch Behar, 736101
5Shri. HIMADRI SARKAR, WBCS(Exe.)A.D.M. (L.R.) and District Land and Land Reforms Officer03582-228490, 03582-227061 , 8373089100[email protected]D.L.. and L.R. Office, Cooch Behar, 736101
6Shri. MAHESH BARMAN, WBCS(Exe.)Project Director, DRDC03582-222478, 03582-222527, 8373082103[email protected]District Rural Development Cell Zilla Parishad Cooch Behar
Sub Divisional Officer
7Shri. Kunal Banerjee Wbcs (Exe)Sub-Divisional Officer, Cooch Behar (Sadar)03582-227105, 03582-227204, 8373082107 Fax: 03582-227106[email protected]Sub-Divisional Office, Cooch Behar (Sadar), 736101
8Shri. Vidhu Shekhar [IAS]Sub-Divisional Officer, Dinhata03581-255001, 03581-255105, 8373082109[email protected]Sub-Divisional Office, Dinhata, 736135
9Shri. Navneet Mittal [IAS]Sub-Divisional Officer, Mathabhanga03583-255287,03583- 255224, 8373082110[email protected]Sub-Divisional Office, Mathabhanga, 736146
10Shri. Atanu Kumar Mondal [Wbcs (Exe)]Sub-Divisional Officer, Mekhliganj03584-255297, 03584-255237 , 8373082111[email protected]Sub-Divisional Office, Mekhliganj, 735304
11Shri. BAPPA GOSWAMI, WBCS(Exe)Sub-Divisional Officer, Tufanganj03582-244220, 03582-244258, 8373082108[email protected]Sub-Divisional Office, Tufanganj, 736159
Block Development Officers
12Smt. Sreyasree Naskar WBCS(Exe.)Block Development Officer, Cooch Behar-I03582-274555, 8373082128[email protected]Dhaluabari (Dinhata Main Road), P.O. – Ghughumari, Cooch Behar – 736101
13Shri. Biswajit MondalBlock Development Officer, Cooch Behar-II03582-270221, 8373082129[email protected]P.O. – Pundibari, Cooch Behar – 736165
14Smt. Ganga ChhetriBlock Development Officer, Dinhata-I03581-255045, 8373082130[email protected]Dinhata, Cooch Behar – 736135
15Shri. Nitish TamangBlock Development Officer, Dinhata-II03581-244201, 7585019940[email protected]P.O. - Sahebganj, Cooch Behar - 736176
16Shri. Nibir MondalBlock Development Officer, Sitai03583-245231, 8373082136[email protected]P.O. – Sitai, Cooch Behar – 736167
17Shri. Shubhajit MandalBlock Development Officer, Mathabhanga-I03583-255260, 8373082134[email protected]Vill. – Shikarpur, P.O. – Mathabhanga, Cooch Behar – 736146
18Shri. Ujjwal SardarBlock Development Officer, Mathabhanga-II03583-255257, 8373082135[email protected]P.O. – Mathabhanga BDO Office, Cooch Behar – 736146
19Shri. Aswin Radhod Babu SinghBlock Development Officer, Sitalkuchi03583-263231, 8373082137[email protected]P.O. – Sitalkuchi, Cooch Behar – 736158
20Shri. Arindam MondalBlock Development Officer, Mekhliganj03584-244045, 8373082138[email protected]P.O. – Changrabanda, Cooch Behar – 735301
21Shri. Sanjay GhisingBlock Development Officer, Tufanganj-I03582-244231, 8373082139[email protected]Tufanganj Main Road, P.O. – Tufanganj, Cooch Behar – 736159
22Smt. Dalaki LamaBlock Development Officer, Tufanganj-II03582-263224, 8373082132[email protected]B.D.O. Office Road, P.O. – Boxirhat, Cooch Behar – 736131
23Smt. Renji Lamu SherpaBlock Development Officer, Haldibari03561-263241, 8373082133[email protected]P.O. – Haldibari, Melarmath, Cooch Behar – 735122