Department of Revenue Contact No.

Department of Revenue Contact No.

Important Links:
Department Contacts
Sr.No.NameDesignationPhone NumberEmail idAddress
Office Of The Finance Minister
1Shri Arun JaitleyFinance Minister011-23092810, 011-23092510134/North Block, New Delhi
2Shri Simanchala DashPS to FM011-23092810, 011-23092501, 011-23093868, 011-23094399[email protected]136-A/North Block, New Delhi
3Shri S. P. BhatiaAddl. PS011-23092810, 011-23092501, 011-23093868, 011-23094399137-A/North Block, New Delhi
4Shri C.L. GuleriaUnder Secretary011-23092810, 011-23092501, 011-23093868, 011-23094399137/North Block, New Delhi
5Shri Shambhu KumarSection Officer011-23092810, 011-23092501, 011-23093868, 011-23094399135/North Block, New Delhi
6Shri Dinesh MenonSection Officer011-23092810, 011-23092501, 011-23093868, 011-23094399136/North Block, New Delhi
7Shri Ambrish Kumar SharmaSection Officer011-23092810, 011-23092501, 011-23093868, 011-23094399167-A/North Block, New Delhi
Office Of The Minister Of State For Finance
8Shri Jayant SinhaThe Minister of State for Finance011-23093783, 011-23092377, 011-23094108 Fax: 011-23092680[email protected]138, North Block, New Delhi
9Shri Anshul MishraPS to The Minister of State for Finance140-A, North Block, New Delhi
10Shri Siddharth JhawarOSD to MOS (Finance)011-23093783, 011-23092377, 011-23094108 Fax: 011-23092680140-A, North Block, New Delhi
11Shri Gajender SharmaAdditional Private Secretary to MOS (Finance)011-23092377, 011-23094108 Fax: 011-23092680142, North Block, New Delhi
12Shri Rajinder PrashadPPS011-23092377, 011-23094108 Fax: 011-23092680140-B, North Block, New Delhi
Office Of The Secretary (Revenue)
13Dr. Hasmukh AdhiaSecretary(Revenue)011-23092653, 011-23092111 Fax: 011-23092719[email protected]128-A/North Block, New Delhi
14Shri Sansar Chand BirdiPPS to RS011-23092653, 011-23092111, 011-29917127 Fax: 011-23092719128-B/North Block, New Delhi
15Shri V. RaviPS to RS011-23092653, 011-23092111 Fax: 011-23092719[email protected]128-B/North Block, New Delhi
Officers Of Revenue (Headquarters)
16Smt. Rashmi VermaSpecial Secretary (Revenue)011-23092264, Ext: 5356 Fax: 011-23092750[email protected]146-C/North Block, New Delhi
17Smt. Presanna K. SharmaPPS011-23092264, Ext: 5357, 011-27010169 Fax: 011-23092750[email protected]144-B/North Block, New Delhi
18Shri Udai Singh KumawatJoint Secretary (Revenue)011-23094595, Ext: 5387[email protected]46/North Block, New Delhi
19Shri Manish Mani TiwariDirector(NC)011-23092686[email protected]48-C/North Block, New Delhi
20Ms. Aarti SaxsenaDy. secy.011-23092613, Ext: 536466-B/North Block, New Delhi
21Shri Ramesh ChanderDirector (Coord.)011-23092282, Ext: 5363[email protected]48-C/North Block, New Delhi
22Shri MimansakJoint Director (OL)011-23092499, Ext: 5365264-A/North Block, New Delhi
23Shri Mandeep KaurDS(HQ)011-23092504, Ext: 536151-I/North Block, New Delhi
24Shri Arvind SaranDirector (Admn.)011-23092103, Ext: 553448-A/North Block, New Delhi
25Ms Chandan Mishra DwivediDirector (Fin-Rev./EC)011-23093978, 011-23382193 Fax- 011-2309219371-B/North Block, New Delhi
26Sh Lokesh Kumar SharmaDirector (Fin-DT)011-23093269, 011-23092516, 9968252896[email protected]70-B/North Block, New Delhi
27Shri Nagesh ShastriDeputy Director General, NIC Cell011-23092318[email protected]238-C/North Block, New Delhi
28Ms. Anupama KumarScientist-D, NIC Cell011-23095247[email protected]238-C/North Block, New Delhi
29Shri P.K. GargTechnical Director, NIC Cell011-26192578[email protected]607 B-wing, vishalabuilding,
30Ms.Nalimi Ranjan SinghUS (PITNDPS)011-23093990, 011-2309399126/Church Road, North Block
31Shri Rakesh KumarUS (Parl.Cell)/GAR011-23095374, Ext: 537432-B/North Block, New Delhi
32Shri Shiv Ram MeenaUS (ST)011-23092976, Ext: 5376226/North Block, New Delhi
33Shri Mahendra Nath TiwariUS (ST-II)011-23092419
34Shri Rajinder KumarUS (Ad.1).011-23093277, Ext: 541677-A/North Block, New Delhi
35Shri Vivek MishraUS(TC)011-23095540
36Shri Narendra KumarUS (Coord.)011-23095539
37Shri Vijay BalayanUS (NC-II)011-23095419B-9, North Block, New Delhi
38Shri Santosh KumarUS (ED)011-2309537755, North Block, New Delhi
39Shri B.K.NaskarUS (ES)011-23095371[email protected]55, North Block, New Delhi
40Shri Ravinder SinghUS (IFU.III)011-23092428, 011-23095404, 011-26185387[email protected]233- A/North Block, New Delh
41Shri H.R.MeenaUS (IFU.III).DT011-23092428, 011-23095404[email protected]233- A/North Block, New Delh
42Shri Umesh SharmaUS (IFU.B&A) DT011-23092258[email protected]12, Church Road, New Delhi
43Shri Umesh Kumar AgarwalUS (IFU.B&A) EC011-23093594[email protected]9, Church Road, New Delhi
44Shri Yogesh SharmaSection Officer (Ad.I)011-23092284, ext: 538054, North Block, New Delhi

Officers Contacts
SNo.NameDesignationPhone NumberRoom NoEmail
1Smt. Nirmala SitharamanFinance Minister011-23092510 , 011-23092810 , 011-23094399, 011-23093868134, Nb[email protected]
2Shri S.S NakulPs To Fm011-23092510, 011-23092810136 A[email protected]
3Shri Vivek SinghOsd To Fm011-23092510, 011-23092810, 011-23094399, 011-23093868137 Nb[email protected]
4Shri Ankit JalanAddl. Ps To Fm011-23092510, 011-23092810, 011-23094399, 011-23093868135 Nb[email protected]
5Shri B.N.BhaskarAddl. Ps To Fm011-23092510, 011-23092810, 011-23094399, 011-23093868135 Nb
6Shri Karma Sonam Zangpo LhasungpaAddl. Ps To Fm011-23092510, 011-23092810, 011-23094399, 011-23093868[email protected]
7Shri Sernya Bhutia1St Pa To Fm011-23092510.011-23092810, 011-23094399.011-23093868[email protected]
8Shri Anil YadavUnder Secretary To Fm Office011-23092510, 011-23092810, 011-23094399, 011-23093868135 Nb[email protected]
9Shri Ashok RawatPps To Fm Office011-23092510, 011-23092810, 011-23094399, 011-23093868 Fax: 011-23092830142-A North Block[email protected]
10Shri Ram Rashik MandalUnder Secretary To Fm Office011-23092510, 011-23092810, 011-23094399, 011-23093868 Fax:011-23092830167-A North Block[email protected]
11Shri Pankaj ChoudharyMinister Of State ( F & Ca)011-23093783, 011-23092377, 011-23094108 Fax: 011-23092680138 Nb
12Shri Kumar Ravikant SinghPs To Mos011-23093783, 011-23092377, 011-23094108, 011-23782857 Fax: 011-23092680139 Nb
13Shri Alkesh UttamOsd To Mos011-23093783, 011-23092377, 011-23094108142 A
14Shri Gaurav ShuklaUs To Mos011-23093783, 011-23092377, 011-23094108140 B
15Shri Neeraj MishraAps To Mos011-23093783, 011-23092377
16Shri Dhruv Narayan Srivastav1St Pa To Mos011-23093783, 011-23092377Nb
17Shri Ashish Kumar DubeySecond Pa To Mos011-23093783, 011-23092377, 011-23094108Room No 142 North Block[email protected]
18Shri Sanjay MalhotraRevenue Secretary011-23092653, 011-23092111, 011-23095354128 A, North Block[email protected]
19Shri Deepak KapoorOsd To Rs011-23092653, 011-23092111, 011-23095354Room No 128 B[email protected]
20Shri Inderjeet AroraPrincipal Staff Officer011-23092653, , 011-23092111128 B, Nb[email protected]
21Shri Ravi AroraPps To Rs011-23092653, 011-23092111, 9868170040128 B Nb[email protected]
22Shri Promod PantPps To Rs011-23092653, 011-23092111, 011-23095353 , 011-23095354128 B, Nb[email protected]
23VacantPps To Rs011-23092653, 011-23092111, 011-23095353128 B, Nb
24Shri Vivek AggarwalAddl.Secretary011-23092264, 011-23092750146 C , Nb[email protected]
25Shri Ashish SatijaSr.Pps To As(Rev)011-23092264, 011-23092750, 011-23095357144 B, Nb[email protected]
26Shri Ritvik Ranjanam PandeyJs Revenue & Nc011-23094595, 011-2309535846 Nb[email protected]
27Shri S.K SharmaPs To Js (Revenue & Nc)011-23094595, 011-2309535847 A, Nb
28Shri Smarak SwainDir.Admin011-23092504, 011-2309536148 A, Nb[email protected]
29Shri Vinod KumarDir. Nc & Gar011-23092686, 011-2309545066-A, Nb[email protected]
30Shri Vikash KumarDir.St011-23092613, 011-23092741, 011-2309536451-I Nb[email protected]
31Shri Manoj Kumar SinghDir. Coord, Hq. & Pers.011-2309228248C- Nb[email protected]
32VacantDirctor(Hq)011-2309228248-C, Nb
33Vacant Dir( National Commitee )Dir(National Commitee For Psew)011-23093118, 011-23095410266-A
34Shri. Shyam SharmaUs, Ad-Ia & Ib,011-23093277, 011-2309536877 A, Nb[email protected]
35S.HemalathaUs.Ad.I011-23093277, 011-2309541677 A, Nb[email protected]
36Vacant (Us, Es Cell)Us, Es Cell011-23093051, 011-2309537155 Nb
37Shri. Rajeev LochanUs Ad.Ed011-23095377,269 B Nb[email protected]
38Ms. Priyanka KapoorUs Coord-Re Hq011-23095539,47 B Nb[email protected]
39Shri Sunil KumarUs St-I011-23092976259 B Nb[email protected]
40Shri.Muthuraman.CUs St-Ii011-23092419267 D Nb[email protected]
41Shri. Kuldeep ChoudharyUs.C & At & Aar011-23095359245 A, Nb
42Shri Ajit PrakashUs Tc011-23095484252 C .Nb
44Shri Yoginder Kumar PanditUs(Gar & R & I, Library)011-23093050, 011-2309536666-D[email protected]
45Shri Shyamal SamadderUs Parl011-23092579, 011-2309556947 B, Nb[email protected]
46Shri Rakesh KumarUs Pers-Dt011-23095577,243 B, Nb[email protected]
47Shri. Ram LakhanUs Nc-I011-23095415,267 D Nb[email protected]
48Shri. Aveek ChatterjeeUs Per-Vig011-23095578252 C Nb[email protected]
49Shri Mukesh SundriyalUs Nc-Ii & , Computer Cell011-23094124B-9[email protected]
50Shri. Anup SinghUs ( Cash & Iwsu, Protocol )011-23095353, 011-23095398256 Nb[email protected]
51Shri.Rajat GuptaSo.Ad-I54 Nb
52Ms. EshnaSo Ad-Ia011-2309537560 Nb
53Ms. Kiran DhakateSo.Ad-Ia(Ii)011-2309537560 Nb
54Shri. Vikash Singh MeenaSo.Ad.1B(I)011-2309538244 Nb
55Shri Shobhit Kumar ShrivastavaSo.Ad.1B(Ii)011-2309538244 Nb
56VacantDdo Cash011-23095383256 Nb
57Ms. Usha DoongaSo Cash011-23095383256 Nb[email protected]
58Subhash ChandSo Gar( I ) & So Gar( Ii )011-23095385, 011-23095384, 011-23095556, 011-23095370B-9[email protected]
59Smt. Sudha RaniSo ( Rti )011-2309558831, B, Nb[email protected]
60Gaurav MehraSo (Ad.Ic & Ca Cell, Cestat )011-2309536951-Ii Nb
61Vacant (So (Iwsu))So (Iwsu)011-2309351415 Charch Road
62Shri Prashant YadavSo (Es Cell)011-2309538855 Nb[email protected]
63Shri Gaurav RanaSo (Ad.Ed)011-23095459267B North Block[email protected]
64Shri Paokholen HaokipSo (Vig-Cell)011-23095582244 D Nb[email protected]
65Shri Sunil YadavSo ( Parliament)011-2309257932.B , Nb[email protected]
66Smt. Geeta SharmaSo ( Hq Pers)011-23095593Nb
67Shri Sultan Singh MeenaSo (Coord)011-23092395227 D
68Shri. Rakshak SaxenaSo ( Ad.Ii )011-2309538638 Nb
69Shri Anil Singh BhandariSo ( St.I)011-23093068275 Nb[email protected]
70Shri. Dinesh Kumar MeenaSo (St.Ii)011-23093068275 Nb
71Junior Analyast TcJunior Analyast Tc011-23092395227 C Nb
72Shri. Nilesh KumarSo ( Computer Cell )011-23095473B-9[email protected]
73Shri LalbieksangSo ( R & I ) D011-2309538931, B, Nb
74Ms. AnuradhaSo(Nc-Ii)011-23095419B-9[email protected]
75Shri Shubhas ChandraAd (Hindi -Ii)011-23095391262 Nb
76Shri Sughampal SinghAd (Hindi-Iii)011-23095392262 Nb[email protected]
77Shri I.A AnsariLibrarian011-23364619Jeevan Deep Building
78Library North BlockLibrary North Block011-23095550251 E Nb
79Shri. Devarjun MeenaSo ( Protocol)011-23095552267 A Nb
80Ms.Promila BharadawajSo ( R & I ) R011-2309539531-B North Block
81Shri P.Ramachandra RaoSo ( Ad.I )011-2309538054
82Shri Nitin GuptaChairman (Cbdt)011-23092648, 011-23092544150, North Block[email protected]
83Ms. Sangeeta SinghMember , (It & R), Tps (Additional Charge)5429146-D Nb[email protected]
84VacantMember (Inv.)5421143-C Nb[email protected]
85Smt. Anuja SarangiMember (Admn-Cbdt)5432155-B Nb[email protected]
86Smt. Subashree AnantkrishnanMember (A & J)011-23095427146-A Nb[email protected]
87Smt. Pragya Sahay SaksenaMember (L & S)011-23095433148-Nb[email protected]
88Sh. Rashmi Ranjan DasJs (Ft & Tr-1)011-26108402803[email protected]
89Rajesh Kumar BhootJs (Ft & Tr-Ii)011-26104504804[email protected]
90Sh. Kamlesh Chandra VarshneyJs-(Tpl-1)011-23092988147-B Nb[email protected]
91Sh. Raman ChopraJs(Tpl-Ii)011-23092859147-C Nb[email protected]
92Sh. S.K JhaJs(Admin -Cbdt)011-23095436154-A Nb[email protected]
93Sh. Peeyush SonkarComm.(Co-Ord. & Systems)011-23092837157-B Nb[email protected]
94Sh. Md. Tarique KalimCommissioner (Ita)011-23092837157-A, Nb[email protected]
95Sh. Ramesh Chand DandayCommissioner (Income & Corporation Tax)011-2309215349[email protected]
96Ms. Richa GaharwarComm. (Vigilance)011-23092174245-B Nb[email protected]
97Sh. Rajesh Kumar KediaCommissioner(Investigation)011-23092177155-A Nb[email protected]
98Ms. Garima BhagatCommissioner(A & J)011-2374182903, Jvb[email protected]
99VacantDir.(Ft & Tr-1)011-26106879903
100VacantDs.(Ft & Tr-Ii)011-26106879901
101Sh. Rajat KapoorDir.(Ft & Tr-Iii)011-26109827703[email protected]
102Sh. Santosh KumarDir.(Ft & Tr-Iv)011-26177567701[email protected]
103Sh. Niraj KumarDs(Ft & Tr-V)011-26180133902[email protected]
104Smt. Astha MadhurDs(Apa)011-26168611807
105Sh.Vipul AgarwalDir(Tpl-I)011-23093025147-D Nb[email protected]
106Sh. Gargi Goel SharmaDir(Tpl-I)011-23093765147-E Nb[email protected]
107Smt. Mrinalini Kaur SapraDir(Tpl-Iii)011-23092234147-G Nb[email protected]
108VacantDir(Tpl-Iv)011-23092964147-F Nb
109VacantDir(Budget)011-2309264147-A Nb[email protected]
110VacantDs(V & L)011-23092786253-A Nb
111Sh. Rajinder Kumar(Ad.Vi, Via & Dt(P)011-23092496240A[email protected]
112Sh. A.K. VashishtDs(Ad.Vii & Ix)
113Sh. Bedobani Kumar ChoudharyDir. (Ot)011-23741834[email protected]
114Smt. Ravinder ManiDir. (Ita-Ii)011-23095453143-E
115Sh. Vikash SinghDir. (Ita-I)011-2309210733-A, Nb[email protected]
116Sh. Rajesh Kumar DingraDs(A & Pac)
117Sh. Sandeep KumarDir.(Inv.I)011-23093902243-F, Nb
118Ms. Jyoti ShahDir. (Inv.Ii)011-23092616265-A, Nb
119VacantDs(Inv.Iii)011-23221478Civic Center
120VacantDir.(Inv.Iv)011-23547571Civic Center
121VacantDs(Inv.V)011-23547562Civic Center
122Sh. Sunil Kumar Pandey011-2309293950, Nb[email protected]
124Sh. Ghan Shyam KumarDs(Hq-Cbdt)011-23093134255-B[email protected]
125Shri. Sanjay Kumar AgarwalChairman(Cbic)5497153-Nb[email protected]
126Ms. V. Rama MathewsMember(Tax Policy)5544156-E, Nb[email protected]
127Shri. Sashank PriyaMember(Gst, Cx, St & Legal)5503154-B Nb[email protected]
128Shri. Sandeep KumarMember(Tp)5505156-C Nb
129Shri. Alok ShuklaMember (It & Tps), (Admn.)5501144-Nb[email protected]
130Shri. Rajiv TalwarMember(Customs)5507158-B[email protected]
131Sh. Sanjay Kr. Agarwal,Member(Compliance Management)5512156-D Nb
132Ms. Hemabindu MudumbaiJs(Admn-Cbic)5509245-C Nb[email protected]
133Sh. Gourav MasaldanJs(Customs)5511156-B Nb[email protected]
134Ms. Limatula YadenJs(Tru-I)5515146-Nb[email protected]
135Ms. Kapil ChaudharyJs (Dbk)011-2334107901, Jdb[email protected]
136Sh. Jitender KumarJs(Review)011-26177580410, Hvb[email protected]
137Sh.Vimal Kumar ShrivastavaPrincipal Comm.(Customs, Ep)5575252-B, Nb[email protected]
138Sh. Harish Kumar VashishtCommissioner(Hqrs.)(Ri & I)011-26161273505
139Ms. Ruchita Vij(Hqrs.)(Coord.)Cbic5524155-C, Nb
140Shri. Gaurav KumarCommissioner(Legal)011-26161042[email protected]
141Sh. Sanjay MangalCommissioner(Hqrs)(Cex)5560159-A, Nb[email protected]
142Ms. Nilanjana RoyDdg(Tpru)
143VacantDir.(Anti-Smuggling)011-26177519501, Hvb
144VacantDir.(Cx.3 & 9)011-23095527255, Nb
145Sh. Alok KumarDir.(Service Tax)5513251-B, Nb
146Smt.Dr. Puneeta BediDir.(Tru)5522146F, Nb
148VacantDir.(Dbk)011-2336058103, Jdb[email protected]
149Shri.Raghvendra Pal SinghDir.(Cx.-1)5528255, Nb
150Sh. R AnanthDs(Customs)5551227-B, Nb[email protected]
151Shri. J.S KandhariDs(Tru)5526146-H, Nb[email protected]
152Smt. Komila PuniaDs(Icd)552149[email protected]
153Vacant Vice Gaurav SinghDs(Tru)5518146-J, Nb
154Smt.Neha Kalra AsnaniDs(Tru)5581146-Nb
155Sh. Manish Kumar SahayDs(Ad.Viii-Ec)011-26190027607[email protected]
156Sh. K.C. PatraDs(Ad.Iv, Iva)011-26162693[email protected]
157Sh. Rajendra Kumar JatavDs(Ad.Ii A & B)5530274-A, Nb
158Sh. Dharamvir SharmaDir.(Ad.V)011-26171183613, Hvb[email protected]
159Sh. Rajan Kumar JhaDs(Ad.Iiib)011-26162693[email protected]
160Sh. Albaran SinghDs(Ad.Iiia)011-26165920509, Hvb
161Sh. Saurabh KumarDir.(Ad.Ii)552552, Nb
162Sh. Lajpat Rai ChauhanDir.(Cofeposa)
163Sh. S.D. BhasorDir.(Cofeposa)
164Sh. Naresh KumarDs(Cofeposa)
165Yogandra GargPr. Commissioner, Gst5560Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 159-A, North Block[email protected]
166Amaresh KumarAddl. Commmissioner011-23092275Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 254-D, North Block[email protected]
167Om Prakash PatelJoint Commissioner011-23092351Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 254-D, North Block[email protected]
168Nimba RamJoint Commissioner011-23095535Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 254-D, North Block[email protected]
169Nisha GuptaDeputy Commissioner011-23095407Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
170Deepika SinghDeputy Commissioner011-23095407Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
171Siddharth JainDeputy Commissioner011-23095571Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
172Vikash KumarDeputy Commissioner011-23095406Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
173Satvik DevDeputy Commissioner011-23095406Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
174Darjpan AmravanshiDeputy Commissioner011-23095408Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
175Megha GuptaAssistant Commissioner011-23095408Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
176Kumar Asim AnandAssistant Commissioner011-23095407Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
177Sumit BhatiaAssistant Commissioner011-23095571Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
178Kumar SatyamAssistant Commissioner011-23095408Gst Policy Wing, Cbic, Room No. 244-D, North Block[email protected]
179Sh. H.AtheliCca(Finance)011-230925730240-B[email protected]
180Shri VivekanandCa(Fianance)011-23093948241-A[email protected]
181Sh. Himanshu SrivastavaDca(Finance)011-23702337401, E Wing Agcr Building New Delhi[email protected]
182Sh. J. PranavAca(Finance)011-230702336401, E-Wing Agcr Building[email protected]
183Shri Suresh BangarPs011-23092523 Fax: 011-23092101241[email protected]
184Sh. Harish Chander MathpalSr.Ao(Admin)011-2309573867-A[email protected]
185Shri Thakur SinghAao(Admin.I)011-23092960 Fax: 011-2309455476-B[email protected]
186Sh. Murari Lal ShuklaAao(Admin.Iii)011-2309296076-B[email protected]
187Sh. Umesh Chandra GathoriAao(Admin.Ii)011-2309296076-B[email protected]
188Shri Balasubramanian KrishnamurthyJs (Tpru)011-23755545505, 5Th Floor , Jeewan Bharti Building Tower I , Connaught Place New Delhi[email protected]
189Sh. Smarak SwainDirector Fatf536148-A (I), Nb[email protected]
190Sh. Karan ChaudharyOsd Fatf Cell011-23093363R.No.47-C, Nb[email protected]
191Smt. Megha SidhuOsd Fatf Cell011-23094215R.No.55-C, Nb[email protected]
192Sh. Swapna TOsd Fatf Cell011-23094215R.No.55-A, Nb[email protected]
193Smt. Rimjhim Panday011-23094215R.No.55, Nb[email protected]

Public Information Officer
Name: Shri R.S. Bist, Public Information Officer Contact No.: 011-23363620 Address: Adjudicating Authority, Prevention of Money Laundering Room No. 26,4th Floor, Jeevan Deep Building Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001