Kent Purifier Customer Care No. 92789 12345

Kent Purifier Customer Care No. 92789 12345

Organisation: Kent

All India Numbers:
9278912345(Call/Whatsapp, 9am-6pm)
9582123456(For Free Demo)
(Service support)
(Sales support)
(Online sales)
Shipping Duration
Deliveries are made during office hours 9am to 7pm.
Most orders are dispatched within 2-3 business days.
Delivery time will vary based on your location.
Most packages get delivered within 10-15 days.
Order Return & Refunds
To return a product kindly email at [email protected] and write with reason for you return.
Please note that a refund facility only for products bought from online store.
You can return any product bought from kent ro systems ltd, before the product is installed at your place. This should be done within 30 days from date of invoicing.
Head Office
KENT RO Systems Ltd. E 6,7 & 8, Sector-59 Noida 201309,Uttar Pradesh, India Ph: 0120-3075000