Lakshadweep Development Corporation Ltd. Contact No.

Lakshadweep Development Corporation Ltd. Contact No.

All India Numbers:
04896262278(Contact Support)
Email Directory
1Sachin Sharma IPSManaging Director (MD)[email protected]
2Sonika Singh DANICSGeneral Manager[email protected]
3Cherry NeetaCompany Secretary[email protected]
4Clementina Fernandez Clementina FernandezOSD(Admin)[email protected]
5Shamsheer Ansari KhanOffice Assitant
6Ubaidulla.K.POfficer Mktg & PRO[email protected]
7Mohammede UvaiseOfficer (Admin.)[email protected]
8Abdul Kalam AzadData Entry Operator[email protected]
9Sakira.K.BAssistant[email protected]
10Lijo JohnsonFC[email protected]
11Malathy. CAdv. ( F &A)[email protected]
12Sree Kumar. KAM (M &A)[email protected]
13Sadik.BAAO[email protected]
14Athaurrahman.F.MAAO[email protected]
15Mohammed Nilam.PAccounts Clerk[email protected]
16Abdul Rahman PAccounts Clerk[email protected]
17Seena M NairSteno cum Assit.[email protected]
Legal Section
18Arathi KarunakaranLegal Officer[email protected]
GM Section
19Malini.RSteno cum Assist.[email protected]
20Thomas John-[email protected]
21George V.O-[email protected]
22George Thomas RoyMngr (repairs)[email protected]
23Sahood AliAM (SR-T)[email protected]
24Mohammed Salih K.CAM (SR)[email protected]
25Sherin MariyamAssist. (Acc & Admin.)[email protected]
26Bushra BeegumData Entry Operator[email protected]
27Fareeda BeegumSteno cum Assist.[email protected]
ISM Cell
28Noushad T.HMS (DP)[email protected]
29Surendran. NOfficer (ISM)[email protected]
30Muhammed SaliPMS[email protected]
31Naveen KurianMS[email protected]
32Arun George ThomasMS[email protected]
33Capt. Mathew GeorgeMS[email protected]
34Capt. SreekumarMS[email protected]
35Sudish Z JamesMS[email protected]
36Maya RajeevSteno cum Assist.[email protected]
Materials General
37Pradhan P.DMM (i/C)[email protected]
38Manoj M.SMechanic[email protected]
39Rajendran VGodwon Keeper
40Mohammeed Abdul SaleemPurchase Assist.[email protected]
41Ahamed Abdul JaleelData Entry Operator[email protected]
Materials Shipping
42MujeeburahmanAccounts Clerk[email protected]
43Ibrahim FAccounts Clerk[email protected]
44Noushad KhanAssist. Materials[email protected]
45Sayed AfthabAssist. Materials[email protected]
Crew Section
46Mohammed DilshadAM ( A & PRO)[email protected]
47Pradeep Kumar.MAA[email protected]
48Mohammed ArifStore keeper[email protected]
49Anwar Kasim A.Accounts Clerk[email protected]
50Mohammed RafeequeAssistant[email protected]
51S.M. Mohammed KasimData Entry Operator[email protected]
52Mohammed ShaheerOffice Assist.[email protected]
53Shihabuddeen M KManager (Store)[email protected]
54Ashraf. S.NStore keeper[email protected]
55Sayed Poo P CPurchase Assist.[email protected]
56Abdul Mirsa KhanAssist. Store Keeper[email protected]
57Mohammed B.C.Assist. Store Keeper[email protected]
Marketing Section
58Shershadmon BithnattAssistant[email protected]
Staff at Kavaratti Office
59Nallakoya POSD (CTOD)[email protected]
60Kasmi CAccounts Assist.[email protected]
61Abooslaih. PFactory Co-ordinator[email protected]
62Shaik Darik Ul AnsariAccounts Clerk[email protected]
63Inayathunnisa BMAssistant[email protected]
64Thamees KamalData Entry Operator[email protected];
65SithunnissaData Entry Operator[email protected]
Tuna Canning Factory Minicoy
66Altha R.M[email protected]

Factory/Unit/Division Contacts
Sr.No.UnitsNameContact DetailsAddress
1Tuna Canning FactoryShri. Althaf9446414569, 0489-222257Minicoy Island, U.T. of Lakshadweep - 682 559
2DCP&OE Unit, AMINIShri. Fabeed9495157678Amini Island, U.T. of Lakshadweep - 682553
3DCP&OE Unit, KalpeniShri. FareedaN/AKalpeni Island, U.T. of Lakshadweep - 682 551
4Marketing DivisionShri.P.D.Pradhan (Marketing I/C)0484-2323448, 0484-2323458, Email: [email protected]56/2366B, Panampilly Nagar, Ernakulum, Kochi-682036

Plant Contact Details
Sr.No.PlantContact PersonContactAddress
1Desiccated Coconut PlantShri. Rahmathulla0489-7274370Kadmat Island, U.T. of Lakshadweep - 682 556
2Coconut Milk & Desiccated Coconut PlantShri. Attakoya0489-3232027Androth Island, U.T. of Lakshadweep - 682 551

Public Relations Contact
Ubaidulla.K.P , Public Relations Officer & Officer (Marketing), Kochi Email: [email protected]
Offices Contact
1Registered Office0489-6262278Botanical Gardens, Kavaratti - 681555, U.T of Lakshadweep
2Corporate Office0484-2323448, 0484-232345856/2366B, Panampilly Nagar, Ernakulum, Kochi-682036