Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Deemed Uni. (NNM) Bihar No. 06112-281 672

Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Deemed Uni. (NNM) Bihar No. 06112-281 672

All India Numbers:
06112281672(For Admission Query , 09:30 am-06:00 pm)

Nava Nalanda Mahavihara (Deemed to be University) (Under Ministry of Culture, Government of India) Nalanda- 803111 Contact No. : 06112-281672 (For Vipassana Meditation Query) Email : drdlama [at] gmail [dot] com (For Vipassana Meditation Query)

(For General Query , Mon-Fri)
Important Links:
Administration Department Contacts
Sr No.NameDesignationContact No.Email
1Prof. Jaishree MishraRtd. Professor of Ancient History9334250107[email protected]
2Dr. MeetaRegistrar , Administration8969795776[email protected] , [email protected]
3Sh. Nitish Kr. PandeyAccount Officer , Administration0612-228105[email protected] , [email protected]

Department Contacts
Sr No.DepartmentContact No.
1VC office06112-281820
2Registrar Office06112-281505

Officers and Employees Contacts
Sr No.NameDesignationContact No.Email
Vice Chancellor's Office Secretariat
1Prof. Rajesh RanjanVice-Chancellor, Additional Charge. VC, CIBS, LEH.06112-281820[email protected]
2Sh. Alok RanjanPrivate Secretary06112-281820[email protected]
3Sh. Rajesh Kr. JaiswalPhotographer/Typist (VC Office)06112-281820[email protected]
4Sh. Birju PrasadDriver06112-281820
5Sh. Sanjay SharmaMTS06112-281820
Registrar's Office Secretariat
6Dr. MeetaRegistrar (I/c)06112-281505[email protected]
7Sh. Rajeev KumarSenior Assistant06112-281505[email protected]
8Dr. Ashok KumarResearch Assistant (Establishment Section)06112-281505[email protected]
9Sh. Shubham MishraSteno-cum-Typist06112-281505[email protected]
10Sh. Ankit KumarMTS06112-281505
Accounts Wing
11Sh. Nitish Kr. PandeyAccounts Officer0612-228105[email protected]
12Sh. Ashok KumarClerk-cum- Accountant0612-228105
13Sh. Shashikant Kumar. SinhaTypist-cum-Cashier Incharge0612-228105[email protected]
14Sh. Shashi Bhushan PandeyMTS0612-228105
15Sh. Praful KumarMTS0612-228105
Admission Wing
16Prof. Shrikant SinghAdmission Incharge06112-281672[email protected]
17Sh. Astitva Swaroop MishraSenior Assistant06112-281672[email protected]
18Sh. Praveer KumarMTS0612-281672
19Dr. Pratima KumariReception Centre (Contractual)06112-281672
Examination Wing
20Prof. Hare Krishna TiwaryController of Examination, Incharge06112-281872[email protected]
21Sh. Ashish KumarClerk-cum-Typist0612-281872
22Sh. Ravikant KumarExecutive Assistant (Contractual)06112-281872
24Dr. Sukla MukherjeeCoordinator- IQAC06112-281871[email protected]
25Sh.Rajesh Kumar RajanExecutive Assistant0612-281871[email protected]
26Prof. Rajesh RanjanVice Chancellor8986565577[email protected]
27Prof. Vishwajit KumarProfessor, HoD9431489954[email protected]
28Dr. Arun Kumar YadavAssociate Professor8986296294[email protected]
29Dr. Lalan Kumar JhaAssociate Professor9931361925[email protected]
30Dr. Dhamma JyotiAssociate Professor9654629588[email protected]
31Prof. Binod Kumar ChoudharyProfessor9570684201[email protected]
32Prof. Sushim DubeyProfessor, HoD7982689813[email protected]
33Dr. Buddhadev BhattacharyaAssociate Professor9905504667[email protected]
Ancient History, Culture And Archaeology
34Prof. Chandra Bhushan MishraProfessor, HoD9430213401[email protected]
35Dr. Pradeep Kumar DasAssociate Professor9419976395[email protected]
36Dr. Jitendra KumarAssistant Professor8800537525[email protected]
Tibetan Studies
37Prof. Dipankar LamaProfessor, HoD6200910154[email protected]
38Prof. Ruby KumariProfessor, HoD8709816916[email protected]
39Prof. Vijay Kumar KarnProfessor8887671004[email protected]
40Dr. Narendra Dutt TiwariAssociate Professor9450529799[email protected]
41Dr. Rajesh Kumar MishraAssistant Professor9312318297[email protected]
42Prof. Hare Krishna TiwaryProfessor, HoD9334337612[email protected]
43Prof. and Head Ravindra Nath SrivastavaProfessor9968269237[email protected]
44Dr. Anurag SharmaAssistant Professor9450420054[email protected]
45Prof. Shrikant SinghProfessor, HoD7903482524[email protected]
46Dr. MeetaAssociate Professor9386553650[email protected]
47Shri Bhishma KumarAssistant Professor7654415919[email protected]
Buddhist Studies
48Prof. Rana Purushottam Kumar SinghProfessor8877328782[email protected]
49Dr. Mukesh Kumar VermaAssociate Professor, HoD7803889012[email protected]
50Dr. Suresh KumarAssistant Professor8825012735[email protected]
51Dr. Sonam LamoAssistant Professor6287555062[email protected]
Chinese and Japanese
52Ven Dr. Skalzang DolmaGuest Faculty9818619719[email protected]
53Dr. Subhajit ChatterjeeGuest Faculty7001509206[email protected]
54Prof. Dipankar LamaProfessor/ Dean Academic Incharge of the Dept8544325885[email protected]
Supporting Staff of Deans and Departments
55Sh. Nitesh Kumar NidhiExecutive Assistant (Contractual)[email protected]
56Sh. Abhishek PandeyExecutive Assistant (Contractual)[email protected]
57Dr. Krishna Kumar PandeyLibrarian/Incharge06112-282897[email protected]
58Sh. Arvind KumarLibrary Assistant06112-282897
59Smt. Komal BhartiLibrary Assistant06112-282897
60Sh. Bandhan BaruaLibrary Attendant06112-282897
61Sh. Sarun KumarLibrary Attendant06112-282897
62Dr. Subodh KumarLibrary Attendant06112-282897
63Sh. Subodh KumarLibrary-Intern (Contractual)9608472911
Pali- Hindi Dictionary Project
64Dr. Uma Shankar VyasEditor[email protected]
65Dr. Vishwajit Pd. SinghResearch Assistant (Contractual)[email protected]
66Dr. Shailendra Kr. VermaResearch Assistant (Contractual)[email protected]
67Smt. Awanti PrabhaExecutive Assistant (Contractual)[email protected]
Publication Unit
68Dr. Pradeep Kumar DasPublication Incharge9419976395[email protected]
69Sh. BrijnandanMTS Supporting Staff[email protected]
Computer Cell
70Sh. Alok RanjanPrivate Secretary- IT Incharge06112-281820[email protected]
71Er. Suraj KumarEngineer (Contractual)0611-2281505
Sariputta Guest House
73Prof. Sushim DubeyGuest House Incharge7982689813[email protected]
74Dr. Subham KumarExecutive Assistant (Contractual)[email protected]

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