West Garo Hills District All Important Contact No.

West Garo Hills District All Important Contact No.

Organisation: Meghalaya District Contacts

Toll free Numbers:
100(Police Helpline)
101(Fire Helpline)
108(Ambulance Service)
1906(For Gas Leakage Helpline)
Helpline Numbers
Sr No.ServiceHelpline No.
1Police Control Room112
2Women Helpline181
3Cybercrime National Helpline1930
4Elder Helpline, Meghalaya14567
5Child Helpline1098
6District Disaster Management Emergency Operation Room6009926806 , 8258991324
7Ambulance ( Tura Civil Hospital- for Tura Urban Area)7085496965
8Police Control Room8837423053
9Fire Station03651-223991 , 7630008928
10Water Supply (PHE Department – For Tura Urban Area)8731907917
11Water Supply ( Tura Municipal Board- For Tura Urban Area)7005485045 , 9612627941
12Hawakhana Complain7629808146
13Dakopgre Complain9362181700
14Tura North Complain8974989823
15SAI Control Room ( For Dalu, Gasuapara, Gambegre and adjoining areas)8077399035
16Women Helpline6009308960
17Fire and Emergency Services18008897127

Public Utilities
SBI Bank
[email protected] (Same For All)
Sr NoBranch NamePhoneAddressPincode
1Chandmary Branch03651-222506Tura Chandmary, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794002
2Dadenggiri Branch03650-262218Dadenggre, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794104
3New Tura Branch03651-232108Tura Araimile, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794101
4Tura Bazar Branch03651-222288PO Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794001

College / Hospital / School
Sr NoInstitution NameContact DetailsAddressPincode
1College of Teacher Education[email protected]Rongkhon, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794002
2Don Bosco College8258877033 , [email protected]Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794002
3Durama College7629801713 , [email protected]Megonggre, Rongkhon, Tura, Meghalaya794002
4Harding Theological College7005542296 , [email protected]Edenbari, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794002
5ICFAI University, Tura Campus6009403889 , [email protected]Danakgre, PO Araimile, Tura, Meghalaya794101
6Miriam Russel Women's College[email protected]A.B Mission Compound, Tura, Meghalaya794002
7NEHU Tura Campus[email protected]Chasingre, P.O. Chandmari, Tura, Meghalaya794002
8Tura Christian College[email protected]A.B Mission Compound, Tura, Meghalaya794002
9Tura Government College03651-222379 , [email protected]Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794001
10Garo Hills Adventist Mission Hospital7005196004 , [email protected]Jengjal, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794002
11Tura Christian Hospital03651-223855 , [email protected]Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794002
12Aeroville Higher Secondary School03651-224148 , [email protected]Nehru A'ding, Hawakhana, Tura, Meghalaya794001
13Captain Williams School9436112043 , [email protected]Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794101
14Kendriya Vidyalaya Tura[email protected]P O Araimile, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794101
15St Xavier's Higher Secondary School[email protected]Chandmary, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya794002

PIN Codes
Sr NoPost OfficePin Code

Police Stations
Sr NoName of The Police StationMobile number
1Phulbari Police Station6009308859
2Tura Police Station7005298247
3Tikrikilla Police Station6009308863
4Dalu Police Station6009308862
5Dadenggre Police Station6009308860
6Tura Women Police Station6009308960
7Hallidayganj Police Station7005765885
8Damal A·sim Police Station6009308861
9Jengjal Police Station6009308858

Sr No.NamePhoneEmailAddress
1Abri Nido9366825212Rongkhon Songital, Tura, West Garo Hills, Pincode: 794100
2ABC Guest House9863947451Jangga, Tura, West Garo Hills, Pincode: 794001
3The Wildflower, Tura9856085190New Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794101
4MBOSE Guest House8257039199MBOSE Complex, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794101
5NEHU Guest House9436306070[email protected]Chasingre, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794102
6SMELC Guest House8729903738[email protected]SMELC Building, Dakopgre, West Garo Hills, Tura, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794101
7Asanang Tourist Lodge8575685999[email protected]Asanang, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794105
8Shalom Guest House9862148180[email protected]Near Tura Govt College Nehru Ading, Hawakhana Tura, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794001
9Soil Guest House03651222354[email protected]Forestilla, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794002
10Tree House Resort8414844011[email protected]Danak Bandua, Burny Hills, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794101
11Chandigre Resort9862682257[email protected]Chandigre, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Pincode: 794105
12Grace Homestay8787334417[email protected]New Tura, MBOSE Road, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya 794101
13Cariz Homestay8974420027[email protected]Bonepa Atilla, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya 794002
14Dongrama Homestay8414803502[email protected]Burny Hills, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya 794101
15Greendale Homestay9856012004[email protected]Lower Burny Hills, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya 794101
16Hotel C and C7005408239[email protected]Burny Hills, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya 794101
17Hotel Rikman Continental8275027095[email protected]Tura Bazar, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya 794001
18Hotel Polo Orchid03651-232082[email protected]Tourism Complex, Tura, West Garo Hills 794101
19Hotel Sundare7421983200[email protected]Tura Bazar, West Garo Hills 794001

Telephone Directory
Sr No.NameDesignationContact DetailsAddress
1Shri. Jagdish Chelani, IASDeputy Commissioner03651-223835 , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Tura, West Garo Hills
2Dr. Raghavendra Kumar MG, IPSDIG (WR)[email protected]Office of the DIG (WR), Tura
3Shri. Abraham T Sangma, IPSSuperintendent of Police[email protected]Office of the Superintendent of Police, Tura
4Shri. S.N Sangma, IFSConservator of Forest (Wildlife and Territorial)[email protected]Office of the Conservator of Forest (Wildlife and Territorial) Garo Hills Region, Tura
5Shri. S. N Sangma, IFSConservator of Forest (Social Forestry and Environment))[email protected]Office of the Coinservator of Forest ( Social Forestry and Environment), Garo Hills Region, Tura
6Shri. Ganesan P, IFSDivisional Forest Officer[email protected]Office of the Divisional Forest Officer, West & South West Garo Hills (T) Division), Tura
7Shri. Rupankar K Marak, MFSDivisional Forest Officer[email protected]Office of the Divisional Forest Officer, East & West Garo Hills Wildlife Division, Tura
8Shri. Rupanker K Marak, MFSDivisional Forest Officer[email protected]Office of the Divisional Forest Officer, West Garo Hills Forestry Division
9Smti. Jeuti HajongLabour Inspector[email protected]District Labour Office, Tura
10Shri.Lewinberth Ch MarakGeneral Manager[email protected]West Garo Hills
11Dr.Bijay Beb Barma, DMHODistrict Medical and Health OfficeO : 03651-222501 , [email protected]O/o The District Medical & Health Officer, Lower Babupara, Tura, Meghalaya, Pin: 794001

Election Department Contacts
Sr No.NameContact Details
1Control Room I/c03651-222000 , 9233473074
2Election Helpline 24*77005221700, 9862635237, 9615963960, 6009707448, 8259031435 [email protected]
3Additional Deputy Commissioner (Election)[email protected]

One District One Product (ODOP)
Sr No.NameContact Details
1Helpline/Call Centre Support Desk9862263622 , 8787598518 , 8837099595
2Shri. V. Valentine Hembrom, District Project Manager (DPM), MBMA/MBDA9436769557 , 7629808600 Email: [email protected]

Officers Contacts
Sr No.DepartmentNameDesignationContact Detaiils
1AdministrationShri. Jagdish Chelani, IASDeputy Commissioner , West Garo Hills03651-222226(R) ,03651-221179, 03651-223835(O) [email protected], [email protected]
2Deputy Inspector General of Police (Western Range)Dr. Raghavendra Kumar MG, IPSDy.IGP (WR)Tura[email protected]
3West Garo Hills DEFShri. Abraham T Sangma, IPSSuperintendent of Police[email protected]
4Sub-Division OfficeShri. Sumit Kumar Singh, IASSub Divisional Officer, Dadenggre[email protected]
5C/R D BlocksShri. Emanuel Megam Sangma, MCSBDO, Selsella[email protected]
6C/R D BlocksShri. Saljagring G Momin, MCSi/c BDO, Dadenggre[email protected]

Police / Line Department
Sr No.NameDesignationEmailAddress
Police Works Department
1Shri. Sanjive K MarakExecutive Engineer[email protected]Office of the Executive Engineer, PWD (Rds) Tura North Division
2Smti. Fernette W MominExecutive Engineer[email protected]PWD, NH cum Tura Central Division, West Garo Hills
3Shri. Ferdinand G MominExecutive Engineer[email protected]Office of the Executive Engineer, PWD (Rds) NEC Division, Tura
Line Department
4Shri. Tingring R MarakSuperintendent of Taxes[email protected]Office of the Superintendent of Taxes, Tura Circle 2
5Shri. Milton R MarakDeputy Electrical Inspector[email protected]Zonal Electrical Inspectorate, Tura
6Smt. Ganjaksil R MarakDistrict Handloom Officer[email protected]Office of the District Handloom Officer, West Garo Hills, Tura
7Shri. Rajiv R MarakExecutive Engineer[email protected]Office of the Executive Engineer, Water Resources, West Garo Hills Division, Tura
8Shri. Sengwat T SangmaExecutive Engineer (CEW)[email protected]Office of the Executive Engineer (CEW), A.H and Vety Dept, Dakopgre, Tura
9Smt. Sanre G MominDistrict Sericulture Officer[email protected]
10Smt. Sanre G MominZonal Officer, Garo Hills Region[email protected]
11Smt. S.A SangmaDistrict Social Welfare Officer[email protected]Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Dakopgre, Tura
12Shri. Raksang K MarakInspector of Legal Metrology[email protected]Office of the Inspector of Legal Metrology, West Garo Hills, Tura
13Smti. Monica SwerDistrict Housing Officer[email protected]Office of the District Housing Officer, Dakopgre, Tura
14Shri. Charseng Ch MarakDiv Soil and Water Conservation Officer[email protected]Tura Soil and Water Conservation ( T) Division, Tura
15Smti. Vivela D ShiraDiv Soil and Water Conservation Officer[email protected]Tura Soil and Water Conservation, Plantation Crop Division, Tura
16Shri. Sengchalak D ShiraDistrict Transport Officer[email protected]
17Shri. R.T. K SangmaDSEO, Tura[email protected]
18Shri. Saljagring M MarakDistrict Sports Officer[email protected]
19Smti. Risa Verline Ch Sangmai/c Superintendent of Fisherries[email protected]Office of the Superintendent of Fisheries, West Garo Hills, Tura
20Dr. Bijay Deb BarmaDMHO, Tura[email protected]
21Dr. Inberth C MarakSuperintendent, Tura Civil Hospital
22Dr. Shemida K MarakJnt. DHS cum Medical Superintendent[email protected]MCH, Babupara, Tura, West Garo Hills
23Shri. Toridabtin K TiewsohDistrict Urban Planner[email protected]Office of the District Urban Planner, West Garo Hills, Tura
24Shri. L.Ch MarakGeneral Manager, DCIC[email protected]
25Dr. (Mrs) Serenebell W MominDistrict A.H and Vety Officer, Tura[email protected]Office of the A.H and Veterinary Officer, Walbakgre, Tura
26Dr.(Mrs) A. M MominJoint Director, A.H and Vety Dept, Tura
27Smti. Wilda Ch MarakAssistant Director, Dairy[email protected]Office of the Assistant Director ( Dairy), Tura, Walbakgre, Tura
28Smti. Thera Ch MarakDistrict Horticulture Officer[email protected]Office of the District Horticulture Officer,West Garo Hills, Tura

Other Officers Contacts
Sr NoNameDesignationPhone No.
1Shri Sumit Kumar SinghSub-Divisional OfficerO: 03651-262210 R: 03651-262204
2Shri Pankaj Kumar RasganiaExtra Assistant Commissioner6009843939
3Shri Naman KumarSub-Divisional Police Officer8787786148

For Public Grievance
If you have any query/complaint then you can contact at following details Designation : Deputy Commissioner Email: [email protected] Address : Office of the Deputy Commissioner, West Garo Hills, Tura